January 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Jan 1 01:24:02 PST 2005
Ending: Mon Jan 31 23:35:00 PST 2005
Messages: 542
- [PlanetCCRMA] added: planet ho ho ho!
Matthew Allen
- [PlanetCCRMA] added: planet ho ho ho!
Matthew Allen
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel without wireless support?
Matthew Allen
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel without wireless support?
Matthew Allen
- [PlanetCCRMA] Why we we have to use Red Hat?
Matthew Allen
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
Matthew Allen
- [PlanetCCRMA] Why we we have to use Red Hat?
Matthew Allen
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
Matthew Allen
- [PlanetCCRMA] virmidi and pd
Andre Almeida
- [PlanetCCRMA] DSSI and DSSI-vst
Florin Andrei
- [PlanetCCRMA] rosegarden-1.0pre1 spec file attached
Florin Andrei
- [PlanetCCRMA] rosegarden-1.0pre1 spec file attached
Florin Andrei
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building wxGTK package on x86_64
Ed Avis
- [PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA on a laptop
Rick B
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recommendations for Athlon Board for CCRMA (ARRGH!!!! #@$#$&^%# BioStar Board)
Rick B
- [PlanetCCRMA] Unthreading devices?
Rick B
- [PlanetCCRMA] nvidia missing 3d
Rick B
- [PlanetCCRMA] nvidia missing 3d
Rick B
- [PlanetCCRMA] what's the best distro - RH9, FCn?
Matt Barber
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora media?
Matt Barber
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recommendations for Athlon Board for CCRMA (ARRGH!!!! #@$#$&^%# BioStar Board)
Matt Barber
- [PlanetCCRMA] mplayer install...
Matt Barber
- [PlanetCCRMA] Why we we have to use Red Hat?
Matt Barber
- [PlanetCCRMA] Why we we have to use Red Hat?
Matt Barber
- [PlanetCCRMA] RME Fireface
Peter Baumgartner
- [PlanetCCRMA] RME Fireface
Peter Baumgartner
- [PlanetCCRMA] RME Fireface
Peter Baumgartner
- [PlanetCCRMA] RME Fireface
Peter Baumgartner
- [PlanetCCRMA] RME Fireface
Peter Baumgartner
- [PlanetCCRMA] RME Fireface
Peter Baumgartner
- [PlanetCCRMA] jack problem
Jeff Biesiadecki
- [PlanetCCRMA] New Install For FC3
Jeff Biesiadecki
- [PlanetCCRMA] please remove
Jeff Biesiadecki
- [PlanetCCRMA] jack server wont start...
- [PlanetCCRMA] qjackctl in the panel
- [PlanetCCRMA] /proc/bus/usb and hotplug with FC2 ccrma kernels, source for FC2 ccrma kernels
Lance Blisters
- [PlanetCCRMA] Why we we have to use Red Hat?
Barton Bosch
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
Jamie Bullock
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: Linux for Mastering
Andres Cabrera
- [PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA on a laptop
Andres Cabrera
- [PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA on a laptop
Andres Cabrera
- [PlanetCCRMA] fc3, alsa, and layla 20
Andres Cabrera
- [PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA on a laptop
Andres Cabrera
- [PlanetCCRMA] Realtime audio using csound
Andres Cabrera
- [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA 1.0.8 Feedback
Andres Cabrera
- [PlanetCCRMA] virmidi and pd
Andres Cabrera
- [PlanetCCRMA] virmidi and pd
Andres Cabrera
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC2 and Promise IDE drivers
Stefano Cavallari
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC2 and Promise IDE drivers
Stefano Cavallari
- [PlanetCCRMA] what's the best distro - RH9, FCn?
- [PlanetCCRMA] what's the best distro - RH9, FCn?
- [PlanetCCRMA] what's the best distro - RH9, FCn?
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC2 2.6.10 lsm, and serialmidi problems
- [PlanetCCRMA] 2.10 Kernel and lsm on FC2
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: 2.10 Kernel and lsm on FC2
- [PlanetCCRMA] Planet or RPM lib problem on x86_64
Greg Cunningham
- [PlanetCCRMA] Planet or RPM lib problem on x86_64
Greg Cunningham
- [PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA on a laptop
Craig D
- [PlanetCCRMA] xruns
Joseph Dell'Orfano
- [PlanetCCRMA] xruns
Joseph Dell'Orfano
- [PlanetCCRMA] sata hard drives ,ardour and planet 2.6.10 kernel
Daniel Dillon
- [PlanetCCRMA] Which audiocard?
Louis van Dompselaar
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recommendations for Athlon Board for CCRMA (ARRGH!!!! #@$#$&^%# BioStar Board)
Louis van Dompselaar
- [PlanetCCRMA] planetedge: alsa-* 1.0.8 for fc3
Louis van Dompselaar
- [PlanetCCRMA] MMC/clock or MTC sync anyone?
Louis van Dompselaar
- [PlanetCCRMA] MMC/clock or MTC sync anyone?
Louis van Dompselaar
- [PlanetCCRMA] MMC/clock or MTC sync anyone?
Louis van Dompselaar
- [PlanetCCRMA] MMC/clock or MTC sync anyone?
Louis van Dompselaar
- [PlanetCCRMA] MMC/clock or MTC sync anyone?
Louis van Dompselaar
- [PlanetCCRMA] Failure starting ALSA with an MAudio Delta 66
Brent Durbin
- [PlanetCCRMA] Something is missing
Sean Edwards
- [PlanetCCRMA] Something is missing
Sean Edwards
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recommendations for Athlon Board for CCRMA (ARRGH!!!! #@$#$&^%# BioStar Board)
Sean Edwards
- [PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA on a laptop
Sean Edwards
- [PlanetCCRMA] multi card fc2
Sean Edwards
- [PlanetCCRMA] Professional Sound Card Recommendations
Sean Edwards
- [PlanetCCRMA] Why we we have to use Red Hat?
Sean Edwards
- [PlanetCCRMA] To the 1/3 programmers 2/3 musicians
Sean Edwards
- [PlanetCCRMA] Foot Controller
Sean Edwards
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: [Alsa-devel] hdsp fixes
Free Ekanayaka
- [PlanetCCRMA] multi card fc2
Björn Elenfors
- [PlanetCCRMA] realtime capabilites in 2.6.10
Björn Elenfors
- [PlanetCCRMA] Edirol UA-25 not recognized by software
Antonio Enriquez
- [PlanetCCRMA] RE: Edirol UA-25 not recognized by software
Antonio Enriquez
- [PlanetCCRMA] RE: Edirol UA-25 not recognized by software
Antonio Enriquez
- [PlanetCCRMA] installtwosix.html
Robert Epprecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC3 'apt-cdrom add'
Robert Epprecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: FC3 'apt-cdrom add'
Robert Epprecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: FC3 'apt-cdrom add'
Robert Epprecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: FC3 'apt-cdrom add'
Robert Epprecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: FC3 'apt-cdrom add'
Robert Epprecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] OT: FC3, Matrox G550 and X
Robert Epprecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Ardour problem exporting to wav file
Robert Epprecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] upgrade questions
Kevin Ernste
- [PlanetCCRMA] upgrade questions
Kevin Ernste
- [PlanetCCRMA] Trouble installing 'apt' from a fresh CCRMA FC2 install
Kevin Ernste
- [PlanetCCRMA] Realtime audio using csound
Kevin Ernste
- [PlanetCCRMA] mplayer install...
Kevin Ernste
- [PlanetCCRMA] pwc modules philips webcam support
Georgios Fourtounis
- [PlanetCCRMA] ccrma vs at once again: libsndfile
Brad Fuller
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: ccrma vs at once again: libsndfile
Brad Fuller
- [PlanetCCRMA] New Install For FC3
Brad Fuller
- [PlanetCCRMA] SELinux and apt-get --- FC3
Brad Fuller
- [PlanetCCRMA] SELinux and apt-get --- FC3
Brad Fuller
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: YAUAQ (yet another USB audio question): Roland UA-25
Luis Garrido
- [PlanetCCRMA] mscore works in FC2 / PC
Luis Garrido
- [PlanetCCRMA] RE: Edirol UA-25 not recognized by software
Luis Garrido
- [PlanetCCRMA] lost alsa config for modprobe.conf
Lucio Ribeiro Gomes
- [PlanetCCRMA] 2.6.10-0.2.rdt.rhfc2.ccrma kernel feedback - alsa load fail
Lúcio Ribeiro Gomes
- [Fwd: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] 2.6.10-0.2.rdt.rhfc2.ccrma kernel feedback - alsa load fail]
Lúcio Ribeiro Gomes
- [PlanetCCRMA] Linux for Mastering
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] New Install For FC3
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: Linux for Mastering
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] upgrade questions RH8->FC3
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Planet CCRMA and Dual Head/Display
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA on a laptop
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA on a laptop
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] multi card fc2
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recommendations for Athlon Board for CCRMA (ARRGH!!!! #@$#$&^%# BioStar Board)
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] multi card fc2
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] multi card fc2
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] multi card fc2
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fixing Freeverb and Denormals
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] ardour error
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Joe Hartley
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recording Click Track in Ardour
Joe Hartley
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recording Click Track in Ardour
Joe Hartley
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recording Click Track in Ardour
Joe Hartley
- [PlanetCCRMA] I've really mucked up my jack installation
Joe Hartley
- [PlanetCCRMA] I've really mucked up my jack installation
Joe Hartley
- [PlanetCCRMA] upgrade questions
Aaron Heller
- [Alsa-devel] Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Help! HDSP firmware suddenly fails to load...
Takashi Iwai
- [PlanetCCRMA] Why we we have to use Red Hat?
Michael Jackson
- [PlanetCCRMA] Sending realtime multichannel audio over ethernet?
Brian Jarrett
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recommended setup for Planet CCRMA ?
Haraldur Jóhannesson
- [PlanetCCRMA] New Install For FC3
Pasi Karppinen
- [PlanetCCRMA] New Install For FC3
Pasi Karppinen
- [PlanetCCRMA] New Install For FC3
Pasi Karppinen
- [PlanetCCRMA] Ardour on FC3
Pasi Karppinen
- [PlanetCCRMA] what's the best distro - RH9, FCn?
Pasi Karppinen
- [PlanetCCRMA] Problems with qt33 and Muse
Neil Klepeis
- [PlanetCCRMA] Problems with qt33 and Muse
Neil Klepeis
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fixing Freeverb and Denormals
Neil Klepeis
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: Fixing Freeverb and Denormals
Neil Klepeis
- [PlanetCCRMA] dmesg issues on new Alsa stuff
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] New FC3 Kernel Source..
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] New FC3 Kernel Source..
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] jack-connection-kit-devel problems when compiling freewheeling
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Linux for Mastering
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] 2.6.10 kernel feedback
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: ardour
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] /var/cache/apt/archives now nearly 1GB
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] /var/cache/apt/archives now nearly 1GB
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Jack ardour New kernel FC3
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC3 Installed RME sound and VIA/97
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Something is missing
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Something is missing
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Mozzila messes up HDSP 9652 clocking???
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Alsa vs OSS problems. Doh.
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Alsa & OSS probs re:Mark Knecht
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Backgrounding meterbridge
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Setting Click Track Tempo and Meter (was Click Track in Ardour)
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] alsa updates?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA on a laptop
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recommendations for Athlon Board for CCRMA (ARRGH!!!! #@$#$&^%# BioStar Board)
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] multi card fc2
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recommendations for Athlon Board for CCRMA (ARRGH!!!! #@$#$&^%# BioStar
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] what's the best distro - RH9, FCn?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] multi card fc2
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] multi card fc2
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] multi card fc2
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] FATAL: Error running install command for sound_slot_1
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] FATAL: Error running install command for sound_slot_1
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA 1.0.8 Feedback
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] ladcca server start-up
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] ladcca server start-up
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Ardour not fast enough?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] mplayer install...
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC3/apt.conf/sources.list question
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] mplayer install...
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recording Click Track in Ardour
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recording Click Track in Ardour
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] MMC/clock or MTC sync anyone?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] MMC/clock or MTC sync anyone?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] MMC/clock or MTC sync anyone?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] MMC/clock or MTC sync anyone?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: apt for fc3
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: apt for fc3
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: apt for fc3
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Is a newer liblrdf possibly available for FC2?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Is a newer liblrdf possibly available for FC2?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Is a newer liblrdf possibly available for FC2?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] apt-get dist-upgrade error
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel without wireless support?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Why we we have to use Red Hat?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] I've really mucked up my jack installation
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Why we we have to use Red Hat?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Adding launchers to the Sound & Video menu under Gnome
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] RME Fireface
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] RME Fireface
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] RME Fireface
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] terminatorX not opening wav, mp3
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] New FC3 Kernel Source..
Saul Lethbridge
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC3 sources in repostiory
Saul Lethbridge
- [PlanetCCRMA] Echoaudio Cards - Has anybody been successful?
Saul Lethbridge
- [PlanetCCRMA] Rebuilding Kernel 2.6.10
Saul Lethbridge
- [PlanetCCRMA] Rebuilding Kernel 2.6.10
Saul Lethbridge
- [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA 1.0.8 Feedback
Saul Lethbridge
- [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA 1.0.8 Feedback
Saul Lethbridge
- [Fwd: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA 1.0.8 Feedback]
Saul Lethbridge
- [Fwd: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA 1.0.8 Feedback]
Saul Lethbridge
- [Fwd: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA 1.0.8 Feedback]
Saul Lethbridge
- [Fwd: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA 1.0.8 Feedback]
Saul Lethbridge
- [PlanetCCRMA] New FC3 Kernel Source..
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] New FC3 Kernel Source..
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] /proc/bus/usb and hotplug with FC2 ccrma kernels, source for FC2 ccrma kernels
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] New FC3 Kernel Source..
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC3 sources in repostiory
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Problems with qt33 and Muse
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] ccrma vs at once again: libsndfile
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: ccrma vs at once again: libsndfile
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] jack-connection-kit-devel problems when compiling freewheeling
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] jack-connection-kit-devel problems when compiling freewheeling
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] upgrade questions
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] jack-connection-kit-devel problems when compiling freewheeling
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] upgrade questions
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] jack problem
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] New Install For FC3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] udev...
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] jack-connection-kit-devel problems when compiling freewheeling
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] rpmbuild error on 2.6.10 kernel
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] rpmbuild error on 2.6.10 kernel
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] New Install For FC3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: ardour
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] /var/cache/apt/archives now nearly 1GB
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] ceres3 in fc3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Rebuilding Kernel 2.6.10
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Planet from FC1 to FC3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Planet from FC1 to FC3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA freezes on BioStar MC7CD
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Something is missing
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] rh9-fc3: updated: the common lisp world and snd
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: edge kernel for fc2/fc3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Trouble installing 'apt' from a fresh CCRMA FC2 install
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC3 'apt-cdrom add'
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC3 'apt-cdrom add'
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC3 'apt-cdrom add'
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Alsa & OSS probs re:Mark Knecht
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Alsa & OSS probs re:Mark Knecht
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Backgrounding meterbridge
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: Alsa & OSS probs re: Mark
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Backgrounding meterbridge
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC3: apt-get remove kernel#2.6.9-2.1.rdtV0.7.33_04.rhfc3.ccrma
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] hdsp in fc3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: FC3 'apt-cdrom add'
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora Core 3 and CCRMA
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora Core 3 and CCRMA
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Syntax to automatically load snd-seq in modprobe.conf
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] alsa updates?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] fc3, alsa, and layla 20
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recommended setup for Planet CCRMA ?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] envy24control error
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] what's the best distro - RH9, FCn?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Need "options" for /etc/modprobe.conf for audigy(hw0) and USB keyboard (hw1)
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Need "options" for /etc/modprobe.conf for audigy(hw0) and USB keyboard (hw1)
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Need "options" for /etc/modprobe.conf for audigy (hw0) and USB keyboard (hw1)
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] realtime capabilites in 2.6.10
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FATAL: Error running install command for sound_slot_1
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] planetedge: alsa-* 1.0.8 for fc3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] planetedge: alsa-* 1.0.8 for fc3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Failure starting ALSA with an MAudio Delta 66
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA 1.0.8 Feedback
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] planetedge: alsa-* 1.0.8 for fc2
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] planetedge: alsa-* 1.0.8 for fc2
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA 1.0.8 Feedback
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA 1.0.8 Feedback
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Planet or RPM lib problem on x86_64
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] ladcca server start-up
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [Fwd: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA 1.0.8 Feedback]
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Planet or RPM lib problem on x86_64
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [Fwd: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA 1.0.8 Feedback]
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [Fwd: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA 1.0.8 Feedback]
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Couldn't find package xmms-mp3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Ardour not fast enough?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: "on the edge" kernel (2.6.10-0.2.rdt)
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC2 and Promise IDE drivers
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: Ardour not fast enough?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] mplayer install...
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: ardour
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC3/apt.conf/sources.list question
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] fc3 repository
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- P[PlanetCCRMA] updated: ardour
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Installing FC3 cdroms
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] about alsa,ardour & audacity
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: qjackctl, seq24
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] about alsa,ardour & audacity
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Installing the ccrma kernal
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: apt for fc3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: apt for fc3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: muse, fweelin, liblo
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: apt for fc3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Help! HDSP firmware suddenly fails to load...
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel without wireless support?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel sources for fc3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] planet on acer travelmate
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Is a newer liblrdf possibly available for FC2?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Help! HDSP firmware suddenly fails to load...
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Is a newer liblrdf possibly available for FC2?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Why we we have to use Red Hat?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: [Alsa-devel] hdsp fixes
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] I've really mucked up my jack installation
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] apt-get dist-upgrade error
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] jack server wont start...
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] xruns
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] 2.6.10-0.2.rdt.rhfc2.ccrma kernel feedback - alsa load fail
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: kernel (edge), alsa
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] remove .rdt packages from apt-get update (wont boot)
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: new release of cmt plugins
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] RE: Edirol UA-25 not recognized by software
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] PlanetCCRMA or FC original kernels?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA on amd64
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] new start for ccrma...
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel problems with vxpocket
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] terminatorX not opening wav, mp3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] terminatorX not opening wav, mp3
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Rosegarden 0.9.91 hangs
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA on amd64
Andy Main
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recommendations for Athlon Board for CCRMA (ARRGH!!!! #@$#$&^%# BioStar
Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen
- [PlanetCCRMA] Linux for Mastering
Jason Milo
- [PlanetCCRMA] Installing the ccrma kernal
aaron Moore
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
Ben Moran
- [PlanetCCRMA] transcode: broken package?
Gerrit Niestijl
- [PlanetCCRMA] transcode: broken package?
Gerrit Niestijl
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: rpmbuild error on 2.6.10 kernel
Thomas Nossmann
- [PlanetCCRMA] Package request: "wired"
Thomas Noßmann
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: [linux-audio-user] Vst with Latest Wine and DSSI-VST
Shayne O'Connor
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: [linux-audio-user] Vst with Latest Wine and DSSI-VST
Shayne O'Connor
- [PlanetCCRMA] jack-connection-kit-devel problems when compiling freewheeling
Shayne O'Connor
- [PlanetCCRMA] jack-connection-kit-devel problems when compiling freewheeling
Shayne O'Connor
- [PlanetCCRMA] what's the best distro - RH9, FCn?
Shayne O'Connor
- [PlanetCCRMA] Trouble installing 'apt' from a fresh CCRMA FC2 install
Shayne O'Connor
- [PlanetCCRMA] [OT] NVIDIA drivers on > 2.6.8 kernel [was: what's the best distro - RH9, FCn?]
Shayne O'Connor
- [PlanetCCRMA] planetedge: alsa-* 1.0.8 for fc3
Shayne O'Connor
- [PlanetCCRMA] 2.6 source?
Shayne O'Connor
- [PlanetCCRMA] mplayer install...
Shayne O'Connor
- [PlanetCCRMA] mplayer install...
Shayne O'Connor
- [PlanetCCRMA] nvidia missing 3d
Shayne O'Connor
- [PlanetCCRMA] lost alsa config for modprobe.conf
Shayne O'Connor
- [PlanetCCRMA] lost alsa config for modprobe.conf
Shayne O'Connor
- [PlanetCCRMA] Monitoring In Ardour
R Parker
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recording Click Track in Ardour
R Parker
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recording Click Track in Ardour
R Parker
- [PlanetCCRMA] MMC/clock or MTC sync anyone?
R Parker
- [PlanetCCRMA] MMC/clock or MTC sync anyone?
R Parker
- [PlanetCCRMA] MMC/clock or MTC sync anyone?
R Parker
- [PlanetCCRMA] ardour error
R Parker
- [PlanetCCRMA] PlanetCCRMA or FC original kernels?
Frode Petersen
- [PlanetCCRMA] Rosegarden 0.9.91 hangs
Frode Petersen
- [PlanetCCRMA] upgrade questions
Dave Phillips
- [PlanetCCRMA] upgrade questions
Dave Phillips
- [PlanetCCRMA] upgrade questions
Dave Phillips
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC3 'apt-cdrom add'
Dave Phillips
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora Core 3 and CCRMA
Dave Phillips
- [PlanetCCRMA] Newbie Docs for Planet
Dave Phillips
- [PlanetCCRMA] planetedge: alsa-* 1.0.8 for fc3
Dave Phillips
- [PlanetCCRMA] Why we we have to use Red Hat?
Dave Phillips
- [PlanetCCRMA] To the 1/3 programmers 2/3 musicians
Dave Phillips
- [PlanetCCRMA] Why we we have to use Red Hat?
Dave Phillips
- [PlanetCCRMA] Why we we have to use Red Hat?
Dave Phillips
- [PlanetCCRMA] about alsa,ardour & audacity
Carlos Pino
- [PlanetCCRMA] about alsa,ardour & audacity
Carlos Pino
- [PlanetCCRMA] about alsa,ardour & audacity
Carlos Pino
- [PlanetCCRMA] MMC/clock or MTC sync anyone?
Frank van de Pol
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora Core 3 and CCRMA
- [PlanetCCRMA] Couldn't find package xmms-mp3
Chris Reisor
- [PlanetCCRMA] Snd tips and tutorials
Juan Reyes
- [PlanetCCRMA] rpmbuild error on 2.6.10 kernel
Janina Sajka
- [PlanetCCRMA] rpmbuild error on 2.6.10 kernel
Janina Sajka
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: rpmbuild error on 2.6.10 kernel
Janina Sajka
- [PlanetCCRMA] Rebuilding Kernel 2.6.10
Janina Sajka
- [PlanetCCRMA] Dummy Soundcard for obnoxious applications (was Re: [PlanetCCRMA] multi card fc2)
Janina Sajka
- [PlanetCCRMA] planetedge: alsa-* 1.0.8 for fc2
Janina Sajka
- [PlanetCCRMA] upgrade questions RH8->FC3
Diemo Schwarz
- [PlanetCCRMA] upgrade questions RH8->FC3
Diemo Schwarz
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: YAUAQ (yet another USB audio question): Roland UA-25
Diemo Schwarz
- [PlanetCCRMA] redhat 9 to fedora 2
Samuel Sieb
- [PlanetCCRMA] Planet from FC1 to FC3
Timo Sivula
- [PlanetCCRMA] Planet from FC1 to FC3
Timo Sivula
- [PlanetCCRMA] Planet from FC1 to FC3
Timo Sivula
- [PlanetCCRMA] Ardour not fast enough?
Timo Sivula
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: Ardour not fast enough?
Timo Sivula
- P[PlanetCCRMA] updated: ardour
Timo Sivula
- [PlanetCCRMA] Help! HDSP firmware suddenly fails to load...
Michael E. Smith
- [PlanetCCRMA] Help! HDSP firmware suddenly fails to load...
Michael E. Smith
- [PlanetCCRMA] Other upgrade questions
M P Smoak
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: PlanetCCRMA digest, Vol 1 #1060 - 15 msgs
Michele Spinolo
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: multi card fc2
Michele Spinolo
- [PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA freezes on BioStar MC7CD
Rick Sutphin
- [PlanetCCRMA] Planet CCRMA and Dual Head/Display
Rick Sutphin
- [PlanetCCRMA] Click Track in Ardour
Rick Sutphin
- [PlanetCCRMA] Backgrounding meterbridge
Rick Sutphin
- [PlanetCCRMA] Backgrounding meterbridge
Rick Sutphin
- [PlanetCCRMA] Setting Click Track Tempo and Meter (was Click Track in Ardour)
Rick Sutphin
- [PlanetCCRMA] Backgrounding meterbridge
Rick Sutphin
- [PlanetCCRMA] Syntax to automatically load snd-seq in modprobe.conf
Rick Sutphin
- [PlanetCCRMA] Linux Drivers for EMu 1212M
Rick Sutphin
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recommendations for Athlon Board for CCRMA (ARRGH!!!! #@$#$&^%# BioStar Board)
Rick Sutphin
- [PlanetCCRMA] Remote Tranport Control for Ardour
Rick Sutphin
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recording Click Track in Ardour
Rick Sutphin
- [PlanetCCRMA] Monitoring In Ardour
Rick Sutphin
- [PlanetCCRMA] fc3, alsa, and layla 20
Chris Synan
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: PlanetCCRMA digest, Vol 1 #1071 - 2 msgs
Chris Synan
- [PlanetCCRMA] layla 20 output working!
Chris Synan
- [PlanetCCRMA] hardware advice
Chris Synan
- [PlanetCCRMA] Installing FC3 cdroms
Ken Taylor
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: FC2: ccrma and ATrpms libxslt conflict issue
Axel Thimm
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: ccrma vs at once again: libsndfile
Axel Thimm
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: ccrma vs at once again: libsndfile
Axel Thimm
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: ccrma vs at once again: libsndfile
Axel Thimm
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: FC3/apt.conf/sources.list question
Axel Thimm
- [PlanetCCRMA] Planet FC3 kernel
Gunther Thoenes
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel without wireless support?
Ketil Thorgersen
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC3: apt-get remove kernel#2.6.9-2.1.rdtV0.7.33_04.rhfc3.ccrma
Nick Treleaven
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel without wireless support?
Stefan Turner
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel without wireless support?
Stefan Turner
- [PlanetCCRMA] To the 1/3 programmers 2/3 musicians
Stefan Turner
- [PlanetCCRMA] To the 1/3 programmers 2/3 musicians
Andrew Wilson
- [PlanetCCRMA] new start for ccrma...
Nick Zuccaro
- [PlanetCCRMA] TOC and CD burning
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel problems with vxpocket
- [PlanetCCRMA] redhat 9 to fedora 2
jamie anderson
- [PlanetCCRMA] stop
- [PlanetCCRMA] FW: Linux audio CD deadline extended
JakeHarries at aol.com
- [PlanetCCRMA] ardour shutdown on stop
mike at banta.psyc.missouri.edu
- [PlanetCCRMA] ardour shutdown on stop
mike at banta.psyc.missouri.edu
- [PlanetCCRMA] stupid newbi question concering low latency
mike at banta.psyc.missouri.edu
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora media?
mike at banta.psyc.missouri.edu
- [PlanetCCRMA] 2.6 source?
mike at banta.psyc.missouri.edu
- [PlanetCCRMA] ardour error
mike at banta.psyc.missouri.edu
- [PlanetCCRMA] ardour error
mike at banta.psyc.missouri.edu
- [PlanetCCRMA] To the 1/3 programmers 2/3 musicians
mike at banta.psyc.missouri.edu
- [PlanetCCRMA] fc3 repository
jd002c5250 at blueyonder.co.uk
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
jd002c5250 at blueyonder.co.uk
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
samuraiskillz at blueyonder.co.uk
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
samuraiskillz at blueyonder.co.uk
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
samuraiskillz at blueyonder.co.uk
- [PlanetCCRMA] radeon 9700 fc3
samuraiskillz at blueyonder.co.uk
- [PlanetCCRMA] New Install For FC3
- [PlanetCCRMA] upgrade questions RH8->FC3
- [PlanetCCRMA] Weird Synaptic Errors
jim branagan
- [PlanetCCRMA] Dummy Soundcard for obnoxious applications (was Re: [PlanetCCRMA] multi card fc2)
jim branagan
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC1/FC3 dual boot experiences
jim branagan
- [PlanetCCRMA] hibernation on 2.6.10-0.1.rdt
jan hendrik brueggemeier
- [PlanetCCRMA] alsa & audiophile 192
- [PlanetCCRMA] Adding launchers to the Sound & Video menu under Gnome
- [PlanetCCRMA] system locks plaing midi with rosegarden
steven.schmidt at comcast.net
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
andersvi at extern.uio.no
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma
andersvi at extern.uio.no
- [PlanetCCRMA] digigram vxpocket pcmcia soundcard
andersvi at extern.uio.no
- [PlanetCCRMA] digigram vxpocket pcmcia soundcard
andersvi at extern.uio.no
- [PlanetCCRMA] multi card fc2
- [PlanetCCRMA] Rme FC3 Install/upgrade
hungry ghost
- [PlanetCCRMA] Jack ardour New kernel FC3
hungry ghost
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC3 Installed RME sound and VIA/97
hungry ghost
- [PlanetCCRMA] Jack start
hungry ghost
- [PlanetCCRMA] Rme - jack start
hungry ghost
- [PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA on a laptop
jason.ronallo at gmail.com
- [PlanetCCRMA] Alsa vs OSS problems. Doh.
nigel henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] Ongoing Alsa vs OSS problems.
nigel henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] Alsa & OSS probs re:Mark Knecht
nigel henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] Need "options" for /etc/modprobe.conf for audigy(hw0) and USB keyboard (hw1)
nigel henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] Need "options" for /etc/modprobe.conf for audigy (hw0) and USB keyboard (hw1)
nigel henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] freewheeling
nigel henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] remove .rdt packages from apt-get update (wont boot)
nigel henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] Couldn't find package xmms-mp3
- [PlanetCCRMA] terminatorX not opening wav, mp3
kittycat at kittycatonline.com
- [PlanetCCRMA] Something is missing
- [PlanetCCRMA] what's the best distro - RH9, FCn?
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC3 'apt-cdrom add'
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC3 'apt-cdrom add'
- [PlanetCCRMA] Syntax to automatically load snd-seq in modprobe.conf
- [PlanetCCRMA] Weird Synaptic Errors
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recommendations for Athlon Board for CCRMA (ARRGH!!!! #@$#$&^%# BioStar Board)
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: Need "options" for /etc/modprobe.conf for audigy(hw0) and USB keyboard (hw1)
- [PlanetCCRMA] 2.6.10-0.2.rdt.rhfc2.ccrma kernel feedback - alsa load fail
- [PlanetCCRMA] jack-connection-kit-devel problems when compiling freewheeling
- [PlanetCCRMA] alsa updates?
- [PlanetCCRMA] envy24control error
- [PlanetCCRMA] envy24control error
- [PlanetCCRMA] multi card fc2
- [PlanetCCRMA] multi card fc2
- [PlanetCCRMA] Recommendations for Athlon Board for CCRMA (ARRGH!!!! #@$#$&^%# BioStar Board)
- [PlanetCCRMA] planetedge: alsa-* 1.0.8 for fc2
- [PlanetCCRMA] (no subject)
alessandro pini
- [PlanetCCRMA] pwc modules philips webcam support
marcelo schultes
- [PlanetCCRMA] nvidia missing 3d
marcelo schultes
- [PlanetCCRMA] nvidia missing 3d
marcelo schultes
- [PlanetCCRMA] nvidia missing 3d
marcelo schultes
- [PlanetCCRMA] udev...
jonathan segel
- [PlanetCCRMA] ceres3 in fc3
jonathan segel
- [PlanetCCRMA] hdsp in fc3
jonathan segel
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: hdsp in fc3
jonathan segel
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: CCRMA on a laptop
jonathan segel
- [PlanetCCRMA] freewheeling
jonathan segel
- [PlanetCCRMA] a favor to ask...
jonathan segel
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: fweelin
jonathan segel
- [PlanetCCRMA] New Install For FC3
Frank smith
- [PlanetCCRMA] [Fwd: upgrade questions RH8->FC3]
Frank smith
- [PlanetCCRMA] Newbie Docs for Planet
Frank smith
- [PlanetCCRMA] Newbie Docs for Planet
Frank smith
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel sources for fc3
- [PlanetCCRMA] planet on acer travelmate
- [PlanetCCRMA] Trouble installing 'apt' from a fresh CCRMA FC2 install
ch9 at umbc.edu
- [PlanetCCRMA] ableton Live-like software
wera wera
Last message date:
Mon Jan 31 23:35:00 PST 2005
Archived on: Mon Feb 3 10:17:42 PST 2025
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).