[PlanetCCRMA] Need "options" for /etc/modprobe.conf for audigy(hw0) and USB keyboard (hw1)

nigel henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Fri Jan 14 12:55:02 PST 2005

Hi all. Thanks to the help from so many of you folks I've almost got the whole 
planetccrma setup working with the native FC2 stuff as well.
The last problem on FC2 is setting the options in /etc/modprobe.conf.
At the moment the verbose details on bootup says Alsa driver already started 
before the other sound stuff is OK'd. In reality it's detecting the USB  Midi 
keyboard as a card and setting it as (hw0).  Audigy soundcard (emu10k1) is 
being then set as (hw1) and none of the native FC2 sounds, Musicplayer, 
Noatun, Alsaplayer (unless that is accessed through  Jack) will work. 
If I boot up with, either the USB disconnected, or the keyboards power 
switched off Alsa will start correctly with Audigy set as (hw0). Then I can 
either plug in the USB for the keyboard or just switch it on and it will show 
up in Hydrogens Midi menu for instance, and is listed in cat 
/proc/asound/cards as the second card, where it should be. 
I would the syntax for setting the options in /etc/modprobe.conf and where 
exactly to put them, for the Audigy soundcard (default) =0 and the Evolution 
225C midi keyboard =1. Thanks in advance, nearly there. Nigel.

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