[PlanetCCRMA] kernel without wireless support?

Mark Knecht markknecht at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 09:18:05 PST 2005

On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 09:04:21 -0800, Matthew Allen <mtallen at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 16:22:59 +0000 (GMT), Stefan Turner
> <stefan_turner at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> > Ok, sorry for the false lead.
> >
> > Stefan Turner
> Don't stress it, it took me a while to get this chip up and running
> under FC2 (in the end I actually moved over to gentoo because of it).
> I all seems like a distant painfull memory now though :)
> Fernando, some other things I forgot to mention are that you also need
> to have Hotplug firmware loading support enabled (which I think you
> do) and CONFIG_NET_RADIO also needs to be on in order for the wireless
> tools to work. But as both of these things are pretty common ascross
> wireless devices I forgot to add them to the first post.
> m.

I had a lot of recent pain getting wireless working on FC2,
FC2/Planet, FC3 and FC3/Planet kernels. My experience with ndiswrapper
is very similar to what the ndiswrapper web site says about Fedora
kernels. There were a number of wireless adpaters that not only didn't
work but completely hung the machine at boot time. According to the
ndis folks this is because these drivers are too large for the Fedora
4K kernel stack size. They want to stack size to be larger, but Fedora
removed the kernel configuration option to make it larger.

Big mess.

I eventually settled on the DLink DWL-G510 card, but only the D2
revision, not the E1 revision. Watch out as DLink changes the onboard
chipset without changing the name of the card. The D2 uses a Realtek
chipset while the E1 uses a Prism 2.5 chipset. The D2 driver runs fine
on FC2, FC2/Planet and FC3. Right now our FC3 Planet machine is
hanging at random times. I don't know if this is the cause or  not. I
sort of assume it is not for other reasons but I'm just reporting data
here so there's no reason not to say what's happening.

Anyway, with work ndiswrapper is a nice solution for some cards but
I'd certainly appreciate a native Linux driver solution if there was


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