[PlanetCCRMA] Re: ccrma vs at once again: libsndfile

Brad Fuller brad at sonaural.com
Mon Jan 3 18:01:02 PST 2005

Axel Thimm wrote:

>On Mon, Jan 03, 2005 at 04:34:39PM -0800, Brad Fuller wrote:
>>This is getting quite frustrating..... I feel I should just start 
>>over..... :-(
>>when trying to do some more upgrades for the latest ccrma FC2 kernel
>>and packages, I came across my old friend that keeps biting my
>>butt. Here's the latest incarnation (or, maybe it's an incantation):
>>#apt-get install libsndfile
>>file /usr/lib/libsndfile.so.1 from install of 
>>libsndfile-1.0.11-1.rhfc2.ccrma conflicts with file from package 
>>This time, I tried what I did before with the "libxslt" conflict
>>(message a couple of days ago) -- namely, make the repository to
>>ATrpms (at-stable) available in sources.list, install, and then
>>comment ATrpms repository out again, then go on my merry way
>>Unfortunately, this time, I get the same error.
>Did you apt-get update? 

>ATrpms has 1.0.11 since mid-November 2004, so
>you are seeing old parts again.
>>Perhaps I should just start over with a complete ccrma installation?
>>If there is a better way, that'd be great. If not, is there anything
>>special that I need to know about removing all audio libs? (I'd hate
>>to do a complete re-installation of the OS!)
>Perhaps you should activate ATrpms and have a full freshen up. The
>idea of a repo is not to turn it on and off at different times. If you
>are uncomfortable with the ATrpms repo you should not turn off the
>repo before you kill all ATrpms packages.
I understand this. I was following advice from before to see if it would 
be as successful as before. It wasn't

>Should you decide to go that way (I hope not), you can identify all
>ATrpms packages with
>rpm -qa --qf '%{vendor} %{name}\n' | grep ^ATrpms.net | awk '{print $2}'
>If you want to get rid of these packages append an "| xargs rpm -e --nodeps"
>And then have "apt-get -f install" cure the open wounds.
>But I would recommend to let the repos active (along with others from
>the medley-package-config) and have them do their job. ;=)
Thanks so much for the help Axel and Fernando. I do appreciate the quick 

>Comment out _all_ repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list and
>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/* (if you have them). Then do an "apt-get
>update" (ie: no repositories at all). Then add just what you need and
>again do an "apt-get update" to fetch the metadata. 
>-- Fernando
I did this and it didn't help.

Although, when I went through Fernando's process and then added the 
ATrpms back in, I was able to update libsndfile (libsindfile1 was also 

There seems to be some sort of conflict (name conflict?) between ccrma 
packages and ATrpms packages. I don't know why I'm the only one that 
hits this. Should it be absolutely ok to have both the ccrma repos and 
the ATrpm repos available? I thought that this was to be the case, but 
when I accessed them both I had problems. I tried to reduce the access 
to the ATrpms repos to help (no offense, Axel... it's just that the 
ccrma packages are what I really need.)

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