[PlanetCCRMA] To the 1/3 programmers 2/3 musicians

Stefan Turner stefan_turner at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jan 28 05:48:01 PST 2005

Try having a look on the Pure Data list archives
http://iem.at/mailinglists/pd-list/ . A few people
post links to stuff they've done with PD, there's also
links on the main site puredata.org . As PD is
cross-platform, not everyone will be using Linux
(although I suspect most PDers do). It's mostly quite
cool, slightly weird electronica (Warp?) as I guess
you'd expect from PD. I guess many other Linux app
lists will have similar things.

I agree though it'd be nice to have a centralised
site. Look at creativecommons.org as well, it's
nothing to do with Linux but a kind of (L?)GPL for
music, it should have links to free music.

Stefan Turner

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