[PlanetCCRMA] Pentium-4 and denormal numbers on planetccrma

Joe Hartley jh at brainiac.com
Wed Jan 12 05:25:02 PST 2005

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 11:40:18 +0000
Steve Harris <S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 11:07:55 +0100, andersvi at extern.uio.no wrote:
> > I see in the list-archives there has been issues around denormal
> > numbers, but it seems limitied to the ladspa tap-plugin.
> They effect most things that do serious DSP work.

Steve, I have a P4, and I use the PlanetCCRMA packages.  Does this
mean I'd be better off recompiling these plugins for a P4?  

       Joe Hartley - UNIX/network Consultant - jh at brainiac.com
Without deviation from the norm, "progress" is not possible. - FZappa

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