[PlanetCCRMA] Newbie Docs for Planet

Dave Phillips dlphilp at bright.net
Thu Jan 13 05:16:01 PST 2005


  Linux abounds in small utilities that perform valuable functions. In 
most instances the 'man' command is your friend, e.g. :

    man lspci


    man lsmod

  The man command opens the UNIX-style manual page that describes the 
command in question and often gives examples of its usage. The level of 
detail varies, but man is usually a good place to start finding out 
exactly what those myriad utilities actually do.

  Incidentally, commands that begin with 'ls' typically list devices or 
services, i.e., lspci lists the devices on your machine's PCI bus, lsmod 
lists your installed modules, lsusb lists your USB devices, etc.



>> HI All
>> Just a thought for all the newbies here at Planet ( myself included!)
>> Can some of the more technical guys send me the commands that will 
>> help most
>> in resolving queries as in:
>> lspci
>> /sbin/lsmod
>> and such.
>> I'll put together a small web page so Newbies can run these first and
>> then send to the List.
>> Please include a small description of what each command should do and 
>> what you need from it.

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