[PlanetCCRMA] Re: CCRMA on a laptop

jonathan segel jsegel at magneticmotorworks.com
Thu Jan 13 09:19:01 PST 2005

>> Is anyone running Planet CCRMA on a laptop ? I would
>> like the portability.
>> Thank you

i've been running planetccrma-fc1 on my sharp mv12 1.13ghz for a year, 
just installed fc3. fc3 has some issues, like you have to specify at 
install that it's a generic lcd 1024x768 in order to get sizes like 
that in the menu.
i'm using a rme multiface with pcmcia cardbus, no problems once it's 
set up, but i'm not trying for super low latency either.
i have had a couple things freeze on me. yesterday qjackctl froze and 
had to be force quit, then later freewheeling also froze despite 
killing the jack server it was attached to. in that session, qjackctl 
started to believe that cpu usage was only 2% for some reason.
  in my install i stupidly killed my abilities to boot into  the fc1 
partition, so i'm trying to switch over as much as possible. (yes, i 
rewrote my boot partition. )

many normal user things work better in fc3, like wireless, netoworking, 

nano behaves strangely.
synaptic gui won't let me launch as user (warns that root must use it, 
doesn't give me a password box)

         Jonathan Segel  --  4014 Brookdale Ave. Oakland, CA 94619
                 MAGNETIC -- http://www.MagneticMotorworks.com

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