[PlanetCCRMA] MMC/clock or MTC sync anyone?

R Parker rtp405 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 24 12:17:02 PST 2005


--- Louis van Dompselaar <louis at dompselaar.org> wrote:

> Is there any way of sync'ing Jack/Ardour to an
> external sequencer?

If Rosegarden or Muse then MMC and MTC aren't required
because they both have jackd transport support. You
may have to play with various combinations of Ardour
being and not being the Time Master...

Ardour will slave to MTC but not Master. Ardour will
recieve MMC and it will send MIDI parameters.

> I tried this about a year back but found Ardour was
> highly erratic
> with MIDI in.  Now it seems to have been dropped
> altogether (I can't
> make MIDI connections to and from Ardour - they
> disappear from ALSA
> right away).

Are you using the Alsa Seq device in the ardour.rc
file? You may want to rm any other MIDI device
entries. I recall multiple entries causing some

> I only have four inputs on my sound card, so I
> really need to record
> in multiple passes and I'd rather do that without
> needing to get everything
> in sync by hand afterwards ;-)
> I really can't believe Ardour can't be sync'ed so
> I'm probably missing something 
> somewhere.

What is the "external sequencer" device?

> Louis
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