[PlanetCCRMA] Installing FC3 cdroms

Ken Taylor ktaylorsprint0 at earthlink.net
Sun Jan 23 16:12:01 PST 2005

HI Fernando

I have been trying to install FC3 on my computer
It is a intel 800, with a 20 gig hard drive, DVD player and 256 Meg menory.

I have been able to load three of the Fedora FC3 disk. (buy the way it didn't ask for the forth disk?)

The computers loads and runs FC3.  I then follow in instruction for install in to ths point.

"For Fedora Core 3 you should use this line instead (the default mount point for cdrom drives has changed and that change has not been yet incorporated in the apt package - make sure you use the proper mount point, look for it in the /media subdirectory):  

apt-cdrom -cdrom=/media/cdrom add"

It doesn't work I get the following message.
"[root at Knoppix ~]# apt-cdrom -cdrom=/media/cdrom add
E: Opening configuration file drom=/media/cdrom - ifstream::ifstream (2 No such file or directory)
[root at Knoppix ~]# apt-cdrom -cdrom=/media/cdrom add
E: Opening configuration file drom=/media/cdrom - ifstream::ifstream (2 No such file or directory)

What us the command for adding Adding the Planet CCRMA cdroms to apt using a DVD player?





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