[PlanetCCRMA] FC3 'apt-cdrom add'

Dave Phillips dlphilp at bright.net
Mon Jan 10 13:33:01 PST 2005

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

>On Mon, 2005-01-10 at 09:34, Robert Epprecht wrote:
>>* The cd check that you can run at the beginning of the fc3 install failed
>>  for me. (I think the images are OK, but maybe the apt database is producing
>>  a fake negative result?)
>That is strange, I embedded the checksum in the cdrom using the normal
>functions supplied by fedora. I did not (obviously) test that it worked.
>I'll have to see what went wrong with this. At least the md5 checksum of
>the whole image should enable you to test integrity of the cdrom.
Fernando, I ran into the same problem, but it freaked me out so I didn't 
proceed with the install. I just checked the checksum, here's what I got:

    md5sum FC3-planet-disc1.iso
    e14f111916d29101a6188748173fee5e  FC3-planet-disc1.iso

Here's what's listed on the Web download page:

	Inserting md5sum into iso image...
	md5 = b7f51b65aff14755b442631d1ce64a2d
	Setting supported flag to 0

I'm downloading the ISOs again. Let me know if there is in fact an error 
with the checksum. Btw, thinking I made an error running md5sum, I ran 
it with the --check option and received a bunch of garbage characters. 
I'm probably doing something wrong...



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