[PlanetCCRMA] fc3, alsa, and layla 20

Andres Cabrera andres at geminiflux.com
Thu Jan 13 17:49:02 PST 2005


>1) when might the new 1.0.8rc2 drivers be integrated into the ccrma
>core?  I am guessing that they will not until they are no longer release
>candidate at least.
>2) what other way might I go about installing the latest ALSA to get
>everything to work?  I read the install for alsa and it is saying it
>wants me to recompile my kernel before I even get started on alsa.  I am
>reluctant to do that because I have not compiled my own kernel since RH6
>or RH7 and I would prefer some other approach.  Also I am worried that
>since I dont really know what Im doing I might lose all the optimized
>settings that CCRMA brings.

If you really can't wait, you can get the alsa sources and build them. I 
am also pretty new to linux, but they compiled easily, as did the 
drivers, and both are working nicely with Planet CCRMA, so you might 
want to try that. (I have an Echo Mona Laptop card)


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