[PlanetCCRMA] Is a newer liblrdf possibly available for FC2?

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Jan 25 14:55:01 PST 2005

On Tue, 2005-01-25 at 14:17, Mark Knecht wrote:
>    FC3 seems updated (via Synaptic) to a newer version of liblrdf than
> I'm able to get my FC2 machine to. Is it possible to get 0.4.x for FC2
> one of these days? It's needed to build Aqualung.
> (There may be a couple more of these also...)
> FC3:
> [mark at dragonfly ~]$ rpm -qa | grep lrdf
> liblrdf-0.4.0-1.rhfc3.ccrma
> liblrdf-devel-0.4.0-1.rhfc3.ccrma
> [mark at dragonfly ~]$
> FC2:
> [mark at Godzilla mark]$ rpm -qa | grep lrdf
> liblrdf-devel-0.3.7-1.rhfc2.ccrma
> liblrdf-0.3.7-1.rhfc2.ccrma
> [mark at Godzilla mark]$

I'll rebuild asap, I don't remember if this update breaks dependencies,
if not it is easy (ie: I don't have to rebuild other stuff to match). I
have a ton of updates I need to propagate down from fc3 to <= fc2, as
well as stuff I still need to build on fc3...

-- Fernando

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