[PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA on amd64

Andy Main mainas1 at aston.ac.uk
Mon Jan 31 10:06:01 PST 2005

Hi there,

I've searched the archive a little but have found little to really 
explain things either way..

I have an amd64 system that is waiting to have Planet CCRMA put on it 
(currently has Gentoo).  I noticed on the recent Edge Kernel release 
that nando has it on an amd64, can you please explain to me the best 
method to run an amd64 system:

1)  Normal 32bit install of Fedora Core 3
2)  1) but with recompiled kernel for amd64 (can you give a brief howto 
please :))
3)  64bit FC3 using CCRMA repositories (not sure if possible - haven't 
found much info either way on this, I think it is though)

I'd be greatful for any advice.

Many thanks,


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