[PlanetCCRMA] Something is missing

kurtz kurtz611 at yahoo.es
Sun Jan 9 09:46:01 PST 2005

Sean Edwards escribe:
> > Many Jack apps do not automatically hook up MIDI or
> > audio ports to the
> > hardware in the machine. Possibly double check that
> > QJC's connections
> > dialog says things are connected where you expect
> > them to be.
> > 
> I am finding that out!  Since my original posting, I
> find that I can use Rosegarden with both fluidsynth
> and timidity directly, but not with Jackd/Qjackctl.  I
> also found aconnect to be a big help.

Your friends are jack_connect and jack_lsp, even you can use
qjackconnect if command line gives you a thrill.

I compiled qjackconnect from source, don't know if available in Planet
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