[PlanetCCRMA] Rebuilding Kernel 2.6.10

Saul Lethbridge saul_lethbridge at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 7 17:56:02 PST 2005

Ok...I need to rebuild my kernel to install my audio card driver. However I 
haven't had much help/luck so far. I have installed 
kernel-2.6.10-2.1.ll.src.rpm - I was told that this should put a 
corresponding spec file in /usr/src/redhat/SPECS - however after installing 
(I'm not convinced it actually did as it isnt' listed as installed in 
synaptic) the only spec file I have is kernel.spec

I assume that without this spec file I won't be able to rebuild my kernel? 
Can anybody help? I really want to check out all these audio apps, and don't 
want to be forced to Windows again (even if it is easier to install a 

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