[PlanetCCRMA] Recommendations for Athlon Board for CCRMA (ARRGH!!!! #@$#$&^%# BioStar
Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen
k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Fri Jan 14 06:28:01 PST 2005
Mark Knecht:
> I've done well with Via. Please consider disregarding the warning on
> the Ardour site about not using Via as this pertains, I beleive, to
> older Via boards no longer sold.
> I have two Via-based DAWs. One ran Pro Tools for a long, long time and
> now runs GigaStudio. The other runs Ardour. Both work well. Neither
> motherboard is available anymore and the machines are getting a bit
> slow by today's standards, but they work well.
I second that. I have lots of experience with athlon-based motherboards
at notam for audio use, and via has allways been a safe chipset. I would
also like to recommend asus, as they have allways been able to support
more than 10m long mouse/keyboard cables. Very few motherboards seems
to do that, so I guess asus is better designed.
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