[PlanetCCRMA] ardour shutdown on stop

mike at banta.psyc.missouri.edu mike at banta.psyc.missouri.edu
Thu Jan 6 18:16:00 PST 2005

Hello all, 
I've seen this question before, without any solution.  I'm now using 
ardour .9beta22, and whenever a song stops playing, either manually or at 
the end of the song, ardour says that it was too slow for jack and shuts 
down (jack keeps running).  

If I start playing it from the beginning again (fast enough) it goes on 
without problems until I finially let it stop.  Has anyone 
encountered/fixed this problem?  Any Clues?  I'm still on RH9 with the 
caps kernel.

Thanks for all the help, 


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