marcelo schultes schultex at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 16 18:55:02 PST 2005

->>I have a BioStar M7NCD motherboard with an AMD Athlon 2500+ XP and
>>PC3200 DDR memory. I have not been able to get the system to  run
>>Planet CCRMA stabely -- even after much kind help from the mailing list. 
>>So I am replacing the board, and would be interested in recommendations 
>>(al ..
>>long as it is not BioStar).<-

>Whatever you do, stay away from nforce.  Those things'll make you cry,


Strange, my Asus A7N2-VM, with onboard nvidia graphics is now running Jack 
at 10.7 ms rock solid without problems. My audio card is an audiophile 

All the way you are the consumer, buy a mother, install it, and if it fails 
to run Planet properly return it and get another. I hope it helps.

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