[PlanetCCRMA] ardour error
R Parker
rtp405 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 25 03:37:00 PST 2005
Hi Mike,
--- mike at banta.psyc.missouri.edu wrote:
Can someone tell
> me how much I should
> trust the audio meters in Ardour?
I trust the Ardour and JAMin meters. I've done
extensive mastering which requires accurate amplitude
and what I see in their meters is consistent at the
sndfile-info is useful for finding max level in a
[studio at stepdaddy master]$ sndfile-info lesbian.wav
Version : libsndfile-1.0.11
File : lesbian.wav
Length : 28225580
RIFF : 28225572
fmt : 16
Format : 0x1 => WAVE_FORMAT_PCM
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Block Align : 4
Bit Width : 16
Bytes/sec : 176400
data : 28225536
Sample Rate : 44100
Frames : 7056384
Channels : 2
Format : 0x00010002
Sections : 1
Seekable : TRUE
Duration : 00:02:40.008
Signal Max : 21654 (-3.60 dB)
You can also use jaaa as an oscilator and follow the
routes around.
Because, even
> when all individual
> tracks stay under zero, and the master does as well,
> I still here what
> sounds like clipping at the output.
Are they xruns?
This seems to
> be concurrent with
> peaking of the sum of all tracks, rather than an
> individual one. Also, my
> preamp has a hard limiter on it at 0, which goes
> into a delta44..so input
> should be ok, espically since ardour's input meters
> never go above -3.
> So, should I need to keep ardour's master well under
> "0"?
No. That's definitely not my experience.
And when
> mastering with jamin, can I trust those meters? Are
> there any meters I can
> run through jack which can be trusted?
Are you sure the problem is levels and not xruns? Are
you using Qjackctl? Its graphic routing/patchbay makes
it easy to check that you haven't got unintended
alsa_pcm:playback routes.
Anyway, I think you can trust the meters. Maybe
something has recently changed but I doubt it.
> Thank you all!
> Mike
> On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 mike at banta.psyc.missouri.edu
> wrote:
> > I just got the new build of ardour, and during my
> session it said it
> > couldn't save the my_song.ardour file (it was a
> brand new session). After
> > four pathetic tracks I closed and 'saved' the
> session, and now on
> > reopening it it says 'could not understand ardour
> file my_song.ardour.
> >
> > I also saved a snapshot during the session, and it
> can't load that either!
> > It did save all my tracks in /sounds...I can't
> belive this is a problem
> > with my machine/permissions/etc...anyone
> encountered this? any clues?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Mike
> >
> >
> --
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