[PlanetCCRMA] fc3, alsa, and layla 20

Chris Synan csynan at dataworlds.com
Wed Jan 12 21:06:03 PST 2005


I am new to linux audio, but have been using linux for a few years.  I
am thrilled at the opportunity to make music on open source software.
Needless to say, I was very happy to find CCRMA and the great resources
you provide.

I followed the instructions on your web site to install the CCRMA core.
It installed the optimized kernel and also some newer ALSA rpm's, I
believe they were 1.0.7 version.

My problem is, my echo audio "layla" (20 bit) sound card is not
supported until alsa-driver-1.0.8rc2...


So, I am wondering:

1) when might the new 1.0.8rc2 drivers be integrated into the ccrma
core?  I am guessing that they will not until they are no longer release
candidate at least.

2) what other way might I go about installing the latest ALSA to get
everything to work?  I read the install for alsa and it is saying it
wants me to recompile my kernel before I even get started on alsa.  I am
reluctant to do that because I have not compiled my own kernel since RH6
or RH7 and I would prefer some other approach.  Also I am worried that
since I dont really know what Im doing I might lose all the optimized
settings that CCRMA brings.

Please advise, I can't wait to lay down some tracks@!

Thanks again,

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