June 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jun 1 09:32:01 PDT 2006
Ending: Fri Jun 30 16:06:02 PDT 2006
Messages: 173
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 jamin & tap
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 jamin & tap
- [PlanetCCRMA] QSynth FC5
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
- [PlanetCCRMA] pam
Matt Barber
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: installing nVidia gefore fx 5200 driver
Matt Barber
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: installing nVidia gefore fx 5200 driver
Matt Barber
- [PlanetCCRMA] csound, pd, supercollider, alsaplayer, rezound, etc.
Matt Barber
- [PlanetCCRMA] csound, pd, supercollider, alsaplayer, rezound, etc.
Matt Barber
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: Nvidia driver and FC5 smp
Matt Barber
- [PlanetCCRMA] installing nVidia gefore fx 5200 driver
David Beetham
- [PlanetCCRMA] Installing the kernel (2.6.16-1.2080.13.rrt.rhfc4.ccrma) source rpms using YUM on fedora 4
David Beetham
- [PlanetCCRMA] anyone running vmware on 2.6.16-1.2080.13.rrt.rhfc4.ccrma?
Joseph Benavidez
- [PlanetCCRMA] acoustic measurements
Ayerk Blei
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: acoustic measurements
Andres Cabrera
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
Rui Nuno Capela
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
Rui Nuno Capela
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
Rui Nuno Capela
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
Rui Nuno Capela
- [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver and FC5 smp
Hector Centeno-Garcia
- [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver and FC5 smp
Hector Centeno-Garcia
- [PlanetCCRMA] Installing the kernel (2.6.16-1.2080.13.rrt.rhfc4.ccrma) source rpms using YUM on fedora 4
- [PlanetCCRMA] trouble with FC5 install
Paul Coccoli
- [PlanetCCRMA] trouble with FC5 install
Paul Coccoli
- [PlanetCCRMA] no kernel-devel in fc5?
Paul Coccoli
- [PlanetCCRMA] installing nVidia gefore fx 5200 driver
Jan Depner
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: installing nVidia gefore fx 5200 driver
Jan Depner
- [PlanetCCRMA] Installing the kernel (2.6.16-1.2080.13.rrt.rhfc4.ccrma) source rpms using YUM on fedora 4
Jan Depner
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 jamin & tap
Jan Depner
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 jamin & tap
Jan Depner
- [PlanetCCRMA] introductory question. . . .
Jan Depner
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 jamin & tap
Dan Easley
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5, fxload, usx2yloader
Dan Easley
- [PlanetCCRMA] Gnome Wave Cleaner SRPM
Luis Garrido
- [PlanetCCRMA] avr-binutils vs. binutils???
Brutus Gates
- [PlanetCCRMA] HID for PureData
Brutus Gates
- [PlanetCCRMA] Source for PD?
Brutus Gates
- [PlanetCCRMA] Which Package has pd's [hid] object?
Brutus Gates
- [PlanetCCRMA] laptop or desktop?
Benjamin Hardy
- [PlanetCCRMA] Noisy new Sennheiser headphones
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] kmdls for ccrma kernel?
Bert Haskins
- [PlanetCCRMA] introductory question. . . .
Brian Heinrich
- [PlanetCCRMA] Noisy new Sennheiser headphones
Brian Heinrich
- [PlanetCCRMA] introductory question. . . .
Brian Heinrich
- [PlanetCCRMA] introductory question. . . .
Brian Heinrich
- [PlanetCCRMA] introductory question. . . .
Brian Heinrich
- [PlanetCCRMA] introductory question. . . .
Brian Heinrich
- [PlanetCCRMA] introductory question. . . .
Brian Heinrich
- [PlanetCCRMA] Shutdown Problems
Nigel Henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 update question for Fernando
Tracey Hytry
- [PlanetCCRMA] apt repository for fedora core 5?
Mike Jewell
- [PlanetCCRMA] apt repository for fedora core 5?
Mike Jewell
- [PlanetCCRMA] RE: PlanetCCRMA digest, Vol 1 #1748 - 8 msgs
Jonathan Karpick
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC 5, Audacity, MP3
Stephen Kelly
- [PlanetCCRMA] introductory question. . . .
Stephen Kelly
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 jamin & tap
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 jamin & ta
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] trouble with FC5 install
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] major corruption
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] yum: kernel SRPMS
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] anyone running vmware on 2.6.16-1.2080.13.rrt.rhfc4.ccrma?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 update question for Fernando
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] pam
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] trouble with FC5 install
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] fc5 updates: planetccrma-core-* and pam
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] no kernel-devel in fc5?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] error upgrading to fc5
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Installing the kernel (2.6.16-1.2080.13.rrt.rhfc4.ccrma) source rpms using YUM on fedora 4
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] missing plugins
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] csound, pd, supercollider, alsaplayer, rezound, etc.
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] csound, pd, supercollider, alsaplayer, rezound, etc.
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] intallation problem on Fedora Core 5
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] avr-binutils vs. binutils???
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 5 Kernel Installation Nightmare:
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Shutdown Problems
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 5 Kernel Installation Nightmare
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Shutdown Problems
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Shutdown Problems
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Shutdown Problems
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 5 Kernel Installation Nightmare
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 jamin & tap
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] more packages added to fc5
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] QSynth FC5
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] apt repository for fedora core 5?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5, fxload, usx2yloader
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Jack Won't start anymore:
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Source for PD?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] introductory question. . . .
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] introductory question. . . .
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] introductory question. . . .
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] introductory question. . . .
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5, fxload, usx2yloader
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] mysterious errors from ams "Could not find LADSPA plugin gverb from library gverb 1216"
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Noisy new Sennheiser headphones
Jean-Baptiste Mestelan
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 5 Kernel Installation Nightmare:
- [PlanetCCRMA] Jack Won't start anymore:
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 5 Kernel Installation Nightmare
William Neal
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 jamin & tap
R Parker
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 jamin & ta
R Parker
- [PlanetCCRMA] Noisy new Sennheiser headphones
Ron Pepper
- [PlanetCCRMA] Noisy new Sennheiser headphones
Ron Pepper
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: Noisy Sennheiser headphones -- Solved!
Ron Pepper
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: [linux-audio-user] HELP! udev fails at boot after plugging in MIDI keyboad on CCRMA
Lee Revell
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5, fxload, usx2yloader
Jason Ronallo
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5, fxload, usx2yloader
Jason Ronallo
- [PlanetCCRMA] apt repository for fedora core 5?
Marco Schroeder
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: csound, pd, supercollider
Jonathan Segel
- [PlanetCCRMA] Upgrading FC4 -> FC5
Rodrigo Segnini
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: multiple sound cards and jack
Timo Sivula
- [PlanetCCRMA] Upgrading FC4 -> FC5
Julius Smith
- [PlanetCCRMA] Stanford Jazz Festival and CCRMA; Thanks
M P Smoak
- [PlanetCCRMA] HELP! udev fails at boot after plugging in MIDI keyboad on CCRMA
Link Swanson
- [PlanetCCRMA] RE: Update: HELP! udev fails at boot . . . fixed! solved!
Link Swanson
- [PlanetCCRMA] laptop or desktop?
Link Swanson
- [PlanetCCRMA] missing plugins
Link Swanson
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 planetccrma rdt smp kernel & nvidia video driver
Link Swanson
- [PlanetCCRMA] Noisy new Sennheiser headphones
Link Swanson
- [PlanetCCRMA] error upgrading to fc5
Chris Synan
- [PlanetCCRMA] kmdls for ccrma kernel?
Axel Thimm
- [PlanetCCRMA] xoscope for planetccrma?
Michael Tiemann
- [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver and FC5 smp
Michael Tiemann
- [PlanetCCRMA] Noisy new Sennheiser headphones
Michael Tiemann
- [PlanetCCRMA] re: stuck!! nvidia & ccrma -- FIXED!!
Michael Tiemann
- [PlanetCCRMA] mysterious errors from ams "Could not find LADSPA plugin gverb from library gverb 1216"
Michael Tiemann
- [PlanetCCRMA] mysterious errors from ams "Could not find LADSPA plugin gverb from library gverb 1216"
Michael Tiemann
- [PlanetCCRMA] Missing kernel packages?
Gregory D. Weber
- [PlanetCCRMA] yum: kernel SRPMS
bernie arai
- [PlanetCCRMA] yum: kernel SRPMS
bernie arai
- [PlanetCCRMA] Planet CCRMA on a macbook
- [PlanetCCRMA] yum install planetccrma-core problem
david beetham
- [PlanetCCRMA] dmesg?
david beetham
- [PlanetCCRMA] Shutdown Problems
david beetham
- [PlanetCCRMA] dmesg?
david beetham
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: Fedora Core 5 installation nightmare
mazarick at bellsouth.net
- [PlanetCCRMA] FC5 planetccrma rdt smp kernel & nvidia video driver
- [PlanetCCRMA] stuck!! nvidia & ccrma
- [PlanetCCRMA] re: stuck!! nvidia & ccrma -- FIXED!!
- [PlanetCCRMA] intallation problem on Fedora Core 5
nigel henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] intallation problem on Fedora Core 5
nigel henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] Shutdown Problems
nigel henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] Shutdown Problems
nigel henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] Shutdown Problems
nigel henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel-2.6.16-1.2096_FC5 is already installed
nigel henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] Shutdown Problems
nigel henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] stuck!! nvidia & ccrma
nigel henry
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 5 Kernel Installation Nightmare
blindman jones
- [PlanetCCRMA] Noisy new Sennheiser headphones
- [PlanetCCRMA] intallation problem on Fedora Core 5
sam kni
- [PlanetCCRMA] intallation problem on Fedora Core 5
sam kni
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel-2.6.16-1.2096_FC5 is already installed
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel-2.6.16-1.2096_FC5 is already installed
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel-2.6.16-1.2096_FC5 is already installed
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel-2.6.16-1.2096_FC5 is already installed
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 5 Kernel Installation Nightmare
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 5 Kernel Installation Nightmare
- [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 5 Kernel Installation Nightmare
- [PlanetCCRMA] multiple sound cards and jack
- [PlanetCCRMA] installing kernel sources in fc3
bill sack
- [PlanetCCRMA] alsamodularsynth
drycellbattery at yahoo.ca
Last message date:
Fri Jun 30 16:06:02 PDT 2006
Archived on: Mon Feb 3 10:17:52 PST 2025
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).