[PlanetCCRMA] stuck!! nvidia & ccrma

csynan csynan at dataworlds.com
Sat Jun 24 09:09:02 PDT 2006

Friends, I desperately need some help or advice.  I have been using linux exclusively at home since RH6 and this is by FAR the most frustrated I have ever been.  Since upgrading to FC5 my system has been all messed up.  I have been struggling with this for two weeks.  

FC5 ccrma works fine, but I just can't get nvidia drivers working.  And it even seems to break other things.  I have tried rdt and rrt kernels.  I have tried building nvidia the way I always have.  After editing xorg.conf (and loading the module) it wont start X.  even when I change the driver back to "nv", when gnome finally starts (takes like 180 sec), it is all messed up and my windows don't have a title bar, they are all fixed to the top of the screen.

If I use the regular FC5 kernel I can get the livna kernel module to work, but then I have no ALSA.  

I even tried ubuntu, but I could not get my echoaudio stuff working, even when i built it myself & it loaded properly into the kernel (showed up in lsmod), echomixer still said "no echoaudio cards found, sorry".  Now I am back on my 8th reinstall of FC5, and once again, I am stuck.  Right now I am back to rrt kernel, and gnome is all messed up under "nv" and no GLX.

Please someone give me some direction.  Any solution that gives me nvidia drivers, and realtime kernel, and alsa-firmware / alsa-drivers would be great.  I had all this working fine in CCRMA / FC4, so i know it can be done.

One other thing, when I run the nvidia installer, after it builds, there are a bunch of garbled messages spewing across the screen, looks like it has to do with SELinux because it is saying "granted" and "denied" and stuff like that.  My guess is something the nvidia installer is trying to do is running afoul of SELinux and SElinux is not letting the necessary change take place.  maybe i will try disabling SELInux and see if that fixes it.  

thanks in advance for any pointers or help.  

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