[PlanetCCRMA] laptop or desktop?
Benjamin Hardy
drycellbattery at yahoo.ca
Thu Jun 8 08:51:01 PDT 2006
Hello everyone,
It's been awhile since I've been involved in the list. I graduated from
a recording school and am out looking for work. I'm running a dual-boot
system and will likely get Pro Tools le for the sake of standards but
would rather use linux most of the time. I can't stand windows, and
software like cubase or reason haven't really kept me in the windows
partition for very long.
To get to the topic I'm thinking of getting a new system with a newer
processer like the dual cores. I'm thinking of getting a laptop with an
interface like a Presonus Firebox but I'm not sure how well supported
these are and if there's any active development. I'd like a laptop
because they're so portable. My computer is a tank, it's in an older
Antec server tower case -huge and heavy. Another alternative would be
getting a Shuttle XPC mini atx system. I'm also not sure of support or
if they're powerful enough for audio, although Music XPC
http://www.musicxpc.com/products/c4/c4.htm uses them with windows.
My current system is:
Athlon XP 2600+
1.5 GB RAM
Abit NF7-S / Nvidia Nforce2 chipset has Sil 3112A sata chipset
200GB IDE hard drive
DVD burner
builtin Nvidia sound chipset
Maudio audiophile 192 (unsupported)
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