[PlanetCCRMA] FC5 app problems

BJaY BJaY at safe-mail.net
Mon Jun 26 06:25:02 PDT 2006

/Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
/> Hi Rui... I think Bruce may have stumbled into a Qsynth bug (or
/> feature? :-)...
/> On Sat, 2006-06-24 at 13:59 +0100, BJaY wrote:
/>> /On Fri, 2006-06-23 at 23:07 +0100, BJaY wrote:
/>> /You say you can't save Qsynth settings. I'm trying this in fc5 and it
/>> /seems to be working:
/>> /I start qsynth which already had one fluidsynth instance defined, I
/>> /added another one - no soundfont loaded because I don't have a small
/>> /and two instances of the big one will not fit in memory, then changed
/>> /some settings in the second instance, then quit qsynth, then started it
/>> /again and both instances came up with their proper settings./
/>> /Could you send an exact description of what you do and when it fails?
/>> Rename /usr/lib/qt-3.3/settings/qsynthrc (so qsynth creates a new one)
/> Hmmm, I don't have that file at all. Are you running as root? In general
/> that's not a good idea for security reasons and unnecessary for
/> performance. Even when running as root I imagine preferences for
/> applications would be stored somewhere in root's home directory
/> ("/root").
/> In my case preferences for qsynth in my laptop are stored in
/> ~/.qt/qsynthrc.
/>> Setup the first synth :
/>>  MIDI
/>>   Engine name xxx
/>>   ALSA Seq client ID xxx
/>>  Audio
/>>   Sample Rate 48000
/>>   Buffer Size 128
/>>   Jack Client Name ID xxx
/>>   Uncheck Auto connect
/>>   Check Multiple jack outputs
/>>   Audio channels 10
/>>   Audio Groups 10
/>>  SoundFonts
/>>   Load a sound font
/>>  MIDI
/>>   Engine name yyy
/>>   ALSA Seq client ID yyy
/>>  Audio
/>>   Sample Rate 48000
/>>   Buffer Size 128
/>>   Jack Client Name ID yyy
/>>   Uncheck Auto connect
/>>   Check Multiple jack outputs
/>>   Audio channels 10
/>>   Audio Groups 10
/>>  SoundFonts
/>>   Load a sound font (not sure if this is really necassary)
/>> Save options
/>> Go back into the second synth you created and check Engine Name,ALSA Seq
/>> client ID,Jack Client Name ID. Quit and restart and do the same. Looking
/>> it again it just looks like a qsynth bug.
/> What looks like a qsynth bug? (you have to tell what you see, not assume
/> that I will see the same thing! :-)
/> If I do the above (except for loading the second soundfont) I see the
/> same name I entered for both audio and midi, and that's how they appear
/> in the qjackctl patchbay when I restart qsynth.
/> But I did notice a problem, quitting qsynth leaves one of the ports (the
/> first one) still there in the qjackctl audio patcher. Not always but it
/> happens to me most of the time (but I don't see any lefover processes -
/> should be a fluidsynth bug and not a qsynth bug).
/> Then I tried adding a soundfont to the _second_ instance only (no
/> soundfont on the first synth, a soundfont on the second). That does not
/> get restored when the app is launched again, looks like a qsynth bug.
/> But I do get all ports restored with their proper names.
/> [BTW, it is always better to keep the thread in the mailing list so
/> others and not just me can help]
/> -- Fernando
/>> Unfortunately I have ardour set up
/>> to connect to the output of these synths and when this fails, because of
/>> wrong Jack client name, my script produces loads of scary errors.
/>> Bruce.

/One reason why qsynth aren't saving it's settings is probably because it
/is not quitting cleanly, that is, it segfaults before it terminates
/normally. One can check that by launching qsynth from a terminal/console
/window, better yet under a gdb session, and try reproduceto  the
/suspicious same steps. Evidence must be lurking in ;)

It exits OK, (just says Done on the command line) and you do not have to
exit the program to experience the behaviour, you can just quit the setup
dialog and go back into it and it will have forgotten the settings. I'm
running music s/w as root, which seems to edit a template setup file, is
this correct ? This could be the source of the problem. There's nothing in
/root/.qt at all. Perhaps I need to change my viewpoint on the root account,
the windows administrator account always just seemed a quick way of
circumventing security and ACL problems, this does not seem to be the case
on linux systems.

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