[PlanetCCRMA] introductory question. . . .

Brian Heinrich manager at ckxu.com
Sun Jun 25 20:08:00 PDT 2006

On 06/25/2006 06:59 PM (-0600 UTC), Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

> On Sun, 2006-06-25 at 18:24 -0600, Brian Heinrich wrote:
>> On 06/24/2006 11:10 PM (-0600 UTC), Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>> <snip />
>>> I think you probably do have sound working, you are just testing it with
>>> the wrong tool (there's many things that could be wrong with "just
>>> playing a cd"). 
>>> Try something like:
>>> - start qjackctl, set reasonable preferences, start jackd
>>> - start hydrogen, select a demo song, press play
>>> - make sure in qjackctl patchbay that the audio is connected. 
>>> Most probably you will hear the demo song...
>>> (start envy24control and watch the vu meters)
>> Out of sheer frustration, I've done an r-'n'-r.  When it comes to the 
>> sound card portion of the installation, the sound card seems to be 
>> detected properly (bear in mind that I disabled on-board sound in the 
>> BIOS) --
>>     *Vendor:*  VIA
>>     *Model:*   Technologies Inc. ICE1712 [Envy24] PCI Multi-Channel I/O
>>     Controller
>>     *Module:*  snd-ice1712
>> -- but I can't hear the test sound.  However, when I looked at 
>> modprobe.conf, I found
>>     alias snd-card-0 snd-ice1712
>>     options snd-card-0 index=0
>> IIUC, the second line ought to read
>>     options snd-ice1712 index=0
> It is the same, or you can have actually both.

'K.  Thanks. . . .

>> and I have changed it to such.  When I restart alsa from a term, I get:
>>     Starting sound driver snd-ice1712                 [ OK ]
>>     Starting sequencer                                [ OK ]
>>     Starting sequencer driver snd-seq-midi            [ OK ]
>>     Restoring sound driver settings /usr/sbin/alsactl: load-state:1712:
>>     No soundcards found. . .        [ FAILED ]
> That is fine. If you want to get rid of that error just store the mixer
> state, do (as root):
>   /usr/sbin/alsactl store
> that will store the current (not necessarily the right) settings of the
> card - in the /etc/asound.conf file.

If it's not a big deal, then I'm not going to worry about it. . . .

>> (I had the same problem with alsactl earlier.)  When I reboot, however, 
>> all four come back OK . . . but when I log in and go to Applications | 
>> System Settings | Soundcard Detection, I /still/ don't hear the test 
>> sound. . . . :-(
> Did you try the test I suggested above? Any reason not to??

I did (leaving qjackctl at its defaults), without any success -- and not 
just not seeing anything on the VU's; I couldn't even get a demo to play 
in Hydrogen. :-(

> Envy24/ice1712 soundcards have different volume control controls than
> the standard consumer level cards, [ . . . ]

That I hadn't thought of.

> [ . . . ] the test app might not be actually
> setting the volume right. Just try with jack and hydrogen. 

After reinstalling FC 3, &c, &c, it seems that all is working.

What would be considered reasonable output levels in envy24control (I'm 
guessing I'll have to do gain adjustment on the (mic) inputs; at any 
rate, I had to in Windows)?

Thanks to everyone for all your help.  I wish I knew what went wrong the 
first time around . . . but right now I'm just relieved to be able to 
get sound on the Linux side.

So now I guess I get to spend time trying to figure out how this stuff 
works. . . . :-)


Brian Heinrich <manager at ckxu.com>  *  Station Manager  *  CKXU 88.3 FM
[office] 403.329.2180  *  [cell] 403.331.9122  *  <http://ckxu.com/>

Showcasing, enhancing, and promoting southern Alberta's diversity.

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