[PlanetCCRMA] RE: Update: HELP! udev fails at boot . . . fixed! solved!

Link Swanson link at sumerianbabyl.com
Sun Jun 4 14:52:00 PDT 2006

Thanks for reading this. It's all better now and I stopped sobbing :)


On Sun, June 4, 2006 3:35 pm, Link Swanson wrote:
> I just got a cheap "Quickshot MIDI Composer" MIDI keyboard and plugged it
> into my RME HDSP/MultifaceII. I had the keyboard powered on at boot and
> udev took longer than usual and then said "FAILED" and stops the entire
> boot process. I have no idea what to do, as I am a noob.
> The frightening thing is that I need to export four hours of High School
> choir and band recordings that I did with Ardour and need to be done
> tomorrow by 8:00a.m. or I won't get paid and the students won't have a CD
> to take with them as they finish the year.
> I need to get this done tonight but my system won't boot past "starting
> udev"
> If anyone knows what to try, THANK YOU!
> Link
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