[PlanetCCRMA] Noisy new Sennheiser headphones

Link Swanson link at sumerianbabyl.com
Fri Jun 23 10:36:35 PDT 2006

On Thu, June 22, 2006 8:19 pm, Ron Pepper wrote:
> Just got a new pair of headphones, Sennheiser 280 Pro's, to be used
> while working on my computer. Unfortunately, I'm picking up what I
> think is system noise, that cheaper 'phones don't detect. My system
> is debian on a dell box. Amarok is my favorite player, but it's also
> the noisiest. The noise is a low level hiss/buzz and can be detected
> even when Amarok is totally muted. The noise intensifies when I move
> the mouse around and over links, hot-spots, menus etc. I posted to
> Amarok, and Xine, but they suggested the problem was in my system. I
> turned off unused channels in alsamixer, but that didn't help. Same
> noise for sessions in kde or icewm. The problem is not the headphones
> themselves, as there is no noise when used in OSX and iTunes.

Sounds to me like you are hearing interference from the video on your
Dell. Does it make icky noises when you open/close/minimise/move
application windows accross the screen? Does amaroK get noisy when there's
a lot going on visually? Does it quiet down when you close the window but
keep the systray icon open?

It may be something to do with the IRQ settings for your video and audio
systems. Ask someone for help configuring these - I can't help you, but
others on this list know about that stuff.


> I'm willing to try a few things, if anyone has any suggestions, but I
> don't want to mess around with major surgery on my system. If there
> is no obvious/likely software solution, I want to exchange the
> headphones. In that case, can anyone suggest headphones that might
> work better. Obviously, I'll lose some of the quality that the 280's
> provide, but that would be better than the noise. Is there something
> in the specs of 'phones that I should be looking for? Also, frankly I
> don't like the closed circum-aural 280's as much as I thought I
> would. They're a bit hot and tight. Is there a lighter open-ear
> headphone that still might be reasonable quality that might work
> better for me?
> Hope my question isn't too off-topic. I've subscribed on and off to
> the list for over a year and have been greatly helped in the past.
> Thanks,
> Ron
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