[PlanetCCRMA] intallation problem on Fedora Core 5

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Jun 12 11:50:01 PDT 2006

On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 11:23 -0700, sam kni wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, nigel. 
> That is the instruction page i've been following. I've
> already successfully installed the low latencey
> kernel. And all in all the directions have worked
> beautufully up until the "Installing applications"
> section. Which is where i'm stalled now. In this
> section the commands given are:
> apt-get install planetccrma-audioapps
> apt-get install planetccrma-audiovideoapps

Sorry, those meta packages are not yet available on fc5. You will have
to install the apps you want "by hand" (ie: "yum install package_name")

-- Fernando

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