[PlanetCCRMA] intallation problem on Fedora Core 5

nigel henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Mon Jun 12 05:26:01 PDT 2006

On Monday 12 June 2006 13:16, sam kni wrote:
> When i try to run "apt-get install
> planetccrma-audiovideoapps" i get the following
> result:
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> E: Couldn't find package planetccrma-audiovideoapps
> I'm guessing that the problem is that i don't have the
> Planet CCRMA repository in /etc/apt/sources.list, but
> i have no idea where to get these for Fedora Core 5.
> They are listed in the installation instructions for
> Fedora Core 4, but not for 5.
> Some information that might help:
> I'm running the command as "su -".
> I had to install apt just before running this command
> as i wasn't on my system prior.
> I would very much appreciate any help you could share
> with this very excited beginner. Thanks in advance.

Hi Sam. Unfortunately Apt is no longer being used by Planetccrma for FC5. 
There are details on the web page for configuring Yum on FC5. 

Under the heading "Installing the low latency kernel" there is mention of 
disabling the plugin, which is responsible for removing the oldest kernel 
automatically when a third kernel is installed. enabled=1  shows in that 
file. Just change the 1 to a 0, using a text editor, and while su'ed to root.

Let me know how you get on with it.


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