January 2003 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Jan 1 15:21:01 PST 2003
Ending: Fri Jan 31 17:08:01 PST 2003
Messages: 311
- [PlanetCCRMA] freqtweak
Ryan Gallagher
- [PlanetCCRMA] freqtweak
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Lame problems on RH 7.3
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Failed dependencies installing alsa driver
Gino Alex Monti
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: [ardour-dev] heads up (libsamplerate)
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Failed dependencies installing alsa driver
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: [ardour-dev] heads up (libsamplerate)
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: [ardour-dev] heads up (libsamplerate)
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: [ardour-dev] heads up (libsamplerate)
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: [ardour-dev] heads up (libsamplerate)
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: [ardour-dev] heads up (libsamplerate)
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Any way to recover?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Any way to recover?
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Any way to recover?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] RH 8.0 upgrade
Carr Wilkerson
- [PlanetCCRMA] RH 8.0 upgrade
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Usb midi problem
Roger Dannenberg
- [PlanetCCRMA] Usb midi problem
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] What Java Options?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] What Java Options?
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Usb midi problem
Roger Dannenberg
- [PlanetCCRMA] Usb midi problem
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] What Java Options?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Usb midi problem
Roger Dannenberg
- [PlanetCCRMA] RH 8.0 Upgrade
Carr Wilkerson
- [PlanetCCRMA] RH 8.0 Upgrade (fwd)
Carr Wilkerson
- [PlanetCCRMA] Usb midi problem
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] What Java Options?
Thilo Mezger
- [PlanetCCRMA] alsa driver not running, somehow involves alsactl and snd_ctl_open
Richard Benedict
- [PlanetCCRMA] Usb midi problem
Roger Dannenberg
- [PlanetCCRMA] alsa driver not running, somehow involves alsactl and snd_ctl_open
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Usb midi problem
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] RH 8.0 Upgrade
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] RH 8.0 Upgrade (fwd)
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Usb midi problem
Roger Dannenberg
- [PlanetCCRMA] Usb midi problem
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] The Planet saves me again - Ardour
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel config file - building only 1394 drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] The Planet saves me again - Ardour
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: sweep, spiralsynthmodular
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] The Planet saves me again - Ardour
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: sweep, spiralsynthmodular
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: sweep, spiralsynthmodular
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: sweep, spiralsynthmodular
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] prism 2.5 wireless
Juan Reyes
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel config file - building only 1394 drivers
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] prism 2.5 wireless
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel config file - building only 1394 drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel config file - building only 1394 drivers
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] prism 2.5 wireless
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] PlanetCCRMA mirror at IRCAM
Francois Dechelle
- [PlanetCCRMA] prism 2.5 wireless
Juan Reyes
- [PlanetCCRMA] PlanetCCRMA mirror at IRCAM
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel config file - building only 1394 drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel config file - building only 1394 drivers
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel config file - building only 1394 drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Comments and thoughts on building the 1394 drivers via the kernel rpm process
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel config file - building only 1394 drivers
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] PlanetCCRMA mirror at IRCAM
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel config file - building only 1394 drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel config file - building only 1394 drivers
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel config file - building only 1394 drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] prism 2.5 wireless
Juan Reyes
- [PlanetCCRMA] Comments and thoughts on building the 1394 drivers via the kernel rpm process
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Comments and thoughts on building the 1394 drivers via the kernel rpm process
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel config file - building only 1394 drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: cm/clm/cmn; mirror
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] problems installing asla
Harrison Thomas
- [PlanetCCRMA] problems installing asla
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] USB Midi Problem solved
Roger Dannenberg
- [PlanetCCRMA] USB Midi Problem solved
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] problems installing asla
Harrison Thomas
- [PlanetCCRMA] problems installing asla
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] problems installing asla
Harrison Thomas
- [PlanetCCRMA] problems installing asla
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] cmucl-clm error
zong king
- [PlanetCCRMA] cmucl-clm error
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] cmucl-clm error
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Maestro es1968
Juan Reyes
- [PlanetCCRMA] FW: Redhat 8.0: Recompile the whole thing (or what I need) ala Gentoo???
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] FW: Redhat 8.0: Recompile the whole thing (or what I need) ala Gentoo???
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] FW: Redhat 8.0: Recompile the whole thing (or what I need) ala Gentoo???
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] FW: Redhat 8.0: Recompile the whole thing (or what I need) ala Gentoo???
Brian Fahrlander
- [PlanetCCRMA] FW: Redhat 8.0: Recompile the whole thing (or what I need) ala Gentoo???
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] FW: Redhat 8.0: Recompile the whole thing (or what I need) ala Gentoo???
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] What's going on?
Brian Fahrlander
- [PlanetCCRMA] What's going on?
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] What's going on?
Brian Fahrlander
- [PlanetCCRMA] Compiling ardour
Emiliano Grilli
- [PlanetCCRMA] Compiling ardour
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Compiling ardour
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] (no subject)
kurt at kapotski.be
- [PlanetCCRMA] (no subject)
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: swh-plugins, added: liblrdf
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: swh-plugins, added: liblrdf
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: PlanetCCRMA digest, Vol 1 #145 - 18 msgs
Ryan Gallagher
- [PlanetCCRMA] rosegarden install
Harrison Thomas
- [PlanetCCRMA] rosegarden install
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] rosegarden install
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: qjackconnect, added: libjackasyn
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA configuration problem
Juha Rouhiainen
- [PlanetCCRMA] Installing wireless card
Joseph Zitt
- [PlanetCCRMA] (no subject)
Krzysztof Gawlas
- [PlanetCCRMA] ES1969 Solo-1 MIDI port help
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Installing wireless card
Juan Reyes
- [PlanetCCRMA] ES1969 Solo-1 MIDI port help
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] ES1969 Solo-1 MIDI port help
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] ES1969 Solo-1 MIDI port help
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Installing wireless card
Joseph Zitt
- [PlanetCCRMA] ES1969 Solo-1 MIDI port help
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] ES1969 Solo-1 MIDI port help
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] ES1969 Solo-1 MIDI port help
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] ES1969 Solo-1 MIDI port help
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] ES1969 Solo-1 MIDI port help
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re:Building rpms elsewhere than /usr/src/redhat
Christopher Albert
- [PlanetCCRMA] /var/log/cache/apt/archives
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] /var/log/cache/apt/archives
Brian Fahrlander
- [PlanetCCRMA] /var/log/cache/apt/archives
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re:Building rpms elsewhere than /usr/src/redhat
Joseph Zitt
- [PlanetCCRMA] /var/log/cache/apt/archives
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Compiling ardour
Emiliano Grilli
- [PlanetCCRMA] (no subject)
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Compiling ardour
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: patch #1 for hdsp MIDI
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: snd, swh-plugins, liblrdf
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA configuration problem
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] hard disk optimizations...
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] How do I restart Alsa without rebooting???
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] How do I restart Alsa without rebooting???
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] How do I restart Alsa without rebooting???
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA configuration problem
Juha Rouhiainen
- [PlanetCCRMA] How do I restart Alsa without rebooting???
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] How do I restart Alsa without rebooting???
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] ipchains: Incompatible with this kernel
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] ipchains: Incompatible with this kernel
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] ipchains: Incompatible with this kernel
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA configuration problem
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Updated ISOs?
Stuart Allie
- [PlanetCCRMA] missing?
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Emiliano Grilli
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Emiliano Grilli
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] wavesurfer
Ryan Gallagher
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Emiliano Grilli
- [PlanetCCRMA] missing?
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] CLM on MacOSX question
Domenico Vicinanza
- [PlanetCCRMA] CLM on MacOSX question
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Updated ISOs?
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Anyone else getting this?
Brian Fahrlander
- [PlanetCCRMA] Anyone else getting this?
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver and RedHat 8
Roger Dannenberg
- [PlanetCCRMA] Anyone else getting this?
Harri Haataja
- [PlanetCCRMA] Anyone else getting this?
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver and RedHat 8
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Anyone else getting this?
Brian Fahrlander
- [PlanetCCRMA] Anyone else getting this?
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Anyone else getting this?
Brian Fahrlander
- [PlanetCCRMA] Anyone else getting this?
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Anyone else getting this?
Brian Fahrlander
- [PlanetCCRMA] Anyone else getting this?
Brian Fahrlander
- [PlanetCCRMA] Anyone else getting this?
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Installing wireless card
Joseph Zitt
- [PlanetCCRMA] Installing wireless card
Juan Reyes
- [PlanetCCRMA] alsa-driver problem
Emiliano Grilli
- [PlanetCCRMA] alsa crashes my system
hannes molsch
- [PlanetCCRMA] alsa-driver problem
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] alsa crashes my system
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] udpated: ecasound
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] alsa-driver problem
Emiliano Grilli
- [PlanetCCRMA] alsa-driver problem
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Installing wireless card
Joseph Zitt
- [PlanetCCRMA] Installing wireless card
Juan Reyes
- [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA configuration problem
Juha Rouhiainen
- [PlanetCCRMA] Rosegarden and Jack
eric devost
- [PlanetCCRMA] Rosegarden and Jack
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: new ALSA drivers
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: new ALSA drivers
Mark Knecht
- OOPS! Re: [PlanetCCRMA] updated: new ALSA drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: new ALSA drivers
Emiliano Grilli
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: new ALSA drivers
Joseph Zitt
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: new ALSA drivers
Francois Dechelle
- [PlanetCCRMA] Updating via CD-Rom
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: new ALSA drivers
Emiliano Grilli
- OOPS! Re: [PlanetCCRMA] updated: new ALSA drivers
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- OOPS! Re: [PlanetCCRMA] updated: new ALSA drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Updating via CD-Rom
Ryan Gallagher
- [PlanetCCRMA] Updating via CD-Rom
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re:Update from CD
- [PlanetCCRMA] xruns
Ryan Gallagher
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re:Update from CD
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] xruns
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] xruns
eric devost
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: PlanetCCRMA digest, Vol 1 #156 - 3 msgs
carlosfigueiredo at ritualnet.pt
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: PlanetCCRMA digest, Vol 1 #156 - 3 msgs
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: PlanetCCRMA digest, Vol 1 #156 - 3 msgs
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Alsa upgrade - unresolved symbols
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Alsa upgrade - unresolved symbols
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Alsa upgrade - unresolved symbols
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Alsa upgrade - unresolved symbols
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Alsa upgrade - unresolved symbols
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] updated: new ALSA drivers
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] [Fwd: Re: [Alsa-devel] HDSP 9652 MIDI Timing - Much improved, but no Port 1...]
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Re: PlanetCCRMA digest, Vol 1 #156 - 3 msgs
carlosfigueiredo at ritualnet.pt
- [PlanetCCRMA] [Fwd: Re: [Alsa-devel] HDSP 9652 MIDI Timing - Much improved, but no Port 1...]
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] [Fwd: Re: [Alsa-devel] HDSP 9652 MIDI Timing - Much improved, but no Port 1...]
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] [Fwd: Re: [Alsa-devel] HDSP 9652 MIDI Timing - Much improved, but no Port 1...]
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] ice1712/envy24 + alsa: no analog devices (digital works fine) ?!?
Olaf Giesbrecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Card Deluxe
eric devost
- [PlanetCCRMA] ice1712/envy24 + alsa: no analog devices (digital works fine) ?!?
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] RH 8.0 Upgrade
Carr Wilkerson
- [PlanetCCRMA] RH 8.0 Upgrade
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] RH 8.0 Upgrade
Carr Wilkerson
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] RH 8.0 Upgrade
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pre-emtive kernel
Brian Fahrlander
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Pre-emtive kernel
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Jack Simple Client Example Code?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] RH 8.0 Upgrade
Harri Haataja
- [PlanetCCRMA] Jack Simple Client Example Code?
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] Jack Simple Client Example Code?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] ALSA configuration problem
Juha Rouhiainen
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] RH 8.0 Upgrade
Carr Wilkerson
- [PlanetCCRMA] burning cds
- [PlanetCCRMA] noteedit
Mauro Baluda
- [PlanetCCRMA] libsigc++ broken?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] libsigc++ broken? - more info
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Kernel Panic 2
- [PlanetCCRMA] burning cds
Alex Timmer
- [PlanetCCRMA] Kernel Panic 2
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] gdam
eric devost
- [PlanetCCRMA] gdam
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] noteedit
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] libsigc++ broken?
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Kernel Panic 2
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] added: zynaddsubfx, mammut, ecamegapedal
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] libsigc++ broken?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Kernel Panic 2
- [PlanetCCRMA] libsigc++ broken?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] OpenMusic...?
Bolcsó Bálint
- [PlanetCCRMA] libsigc++ broken?
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] OpenMusic...?
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Kernel Panic 2
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] libsigc++ broken?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] OpenMusic...?
François Déchelle
- [PlanetCCRMA] libsigc++ broken?
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] compile frenzy: added: noteedit, amSynth (+ libsigc++/gtkmm)
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] OpenMusic...?
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] libsigc++ broken?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] Kernel Panic 2
- [PlanetCCRMA] compile frenzy: added: noteedit, amSynth (+ libsigc++/gtkmm)
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] compile frenzy: added: noteedit, amSynth (+ libsigc++/gtkmm)
eric devost
- [PlanetCCRMA] libsigc++ broken?
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] compile frenzy: added: noteedit, amSynth (+ libsigc++/gtkmm)
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] Kernel Panic 2
- [PlanetCCRMA] compile frenzy: added: noteedit, amSynth (+ libsigc++/gtkmm)
eric devost
- [PlanetCCRMA] Kernel Panic 2
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] libsigc++ broken?
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] supercollider3
Ryan Gallagher
- [PlanetCCRMA] compile frenzy: added: noteedit, amSynth (+ libsigc++/gtkmm)
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] supercollider3
Steve Harris
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel can't boot
- [PlanetCCRMA] kernel can't boot
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] no network in new kernel
Anders Vinjar
- [PlanetCCRMA] no network in new kernel
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] no network in new kernel
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] no network in new kernel
Anders Vinjar
- [PlanetCCRMA] no network in new kernel
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] updating drivers for 2.4.19-ll
Anders Vinjar
- [PlanetCCRMA] added: zynaddsubfx, mammut, ecamegapedal
Emiliano Grilli
- [PlanetCCRMA] no network in new kernel
Anders Vinjar
- [PlanetCCRMA] no network in new kernel
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] no network in new kernel
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] added: nyquist 2.29..
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] added: Now ZynAddSubFX uses JACK.
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] alsaplayer/xmms thing happening...
Ryan Gallagher
- [PlanetCCRMA] Radio Timeshifting question (command line sound recording)
Dparsavand at aol.com
- [PlanetCCRMA] ZynAddSubFX Discussions
Mark Knecht
- [PlanetCCRMA] pygtk2 apt update
Lucio Ribeiro Gomes
- [PlanetCCRMA] pygtk2 apt update
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] pygtk2 apt update
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] ZynAddSubFX Discussions
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
- [PlanetCCRMA] ZynAddSubFX Discussions
Mark Knecht
Last message date:
Fri Jan 31 17:08:01 PST 2003
Archived on: Mon Feb 3 10:17:28 PST 2025
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).