[PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Jan 14 15:35:02 PST 2003

>    I wonder if there isn't a similar path for doing the Alsa RPM that's
> parallel to Fernando's instructions for doing the kernel?

Yep, it is pretty much the same...
That is for rebuilding the rpms without changing them in any way (for
example, you want to run the same alsa on top of a different kernel, or
you have rebuilt the kernel). 

If you want to change things...
* if what you want to change in already in cvs it's easy:

- install the source rpms for the alsa driver, library, utils and tools
- build a new tarball for the current cvs
  cd /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/
  [answer the prompt]
- check what is the date of the cvs access which names the tarball
  ls -lt | head
  the file at the top of the listing would be something like: 
  alsa-xxxxxxxx.yyyyyy.tar.bz2 where xxxxxxxx.yyyyyy is the date and
  time of the cvs snapshot. 
- edit all four spec files (alsa-driver, alsa-lib, alsa-utils,
  alsa-tools) that live in /usr/src/redhat/SPECS, copy them to new files
  that have a different version number, change the version number and
  the cvs_date variable to match the new cvs date, rebuild and reinstall
  as outlined in the web. 

I"ll try to get out a new version of alsa in the next few days (I'm
teaching this quarter so I'm even _more_ busy if that's possible - just
did granular synthesis in today's lecture :-) 

-- Fernando

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