[PlanetCCRMA] Compiling ardour

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Jan 13 10:34:01 PST 2003

> > In my experience Ardour compiles fine with gcc 3.2 (redhat 8.0). Are you
> > getting the segfaults always in the same place? Where?
> > 
>   No, I get sgfaults at random places, but reissuing "make" the
>   compilation process go ahead and with 3 or 4 times I can get ardour to
>   compile. I also applied the patch that causes ardour to exit when
>   opening a session.

Randon segfaults while compiling are usually a symptom of hardware
problems. Most likely memory, but it can also be hardware disk problems.
>   Now my problem is related to the .asoundrc: I have a midiman Dio 2448
>   and so the only way to have audio inputs is the spdif in. In previous
>   installations, I get ardour and jack to work with:
>   pcm.dio {
>   	type hw
>   	card 0
> 	device 2  <-- the spdif!!
>   }
>   ctl.dio {
>   	type hw
> 	card 0
>   }
>   but now this doesn't work anymore... jack only starts if I remove the
>   "device 2" from my .asoundrc.

Did you try to start jack with "-d hw:0,2"?
-- Fernando

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