[PlanetCCRMA] Anyone else getting this?

Brian Fahrlander kilroy at kamakiriad.com
Sat Jan 18 18:33:01 PST 2003

On 18 Jan 2003 17:23:02 -0800, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> wrote:

> I don't think I read about the original command that was triggering the
> problem. At what point in the upgrade were you? 

    It was just a nightly apt-get -y upgrade...

> Could you try a:
>   apt-get check 
> ...to see what it prints? Maybe it will tell us more. 

[root at aquila root]# apt-get check
Reading Package Lists... Done
Collecting File Provides... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done

    ....and maybe it'll just laugh at us!  :)
> I'm running out of ideas. I have no clue of where that requirement is
> coming from. You could try to explicitly ask the question with:
> rpm -q --whatrequires libXrandr.so.1
> rpm -q --whatrequires libXrandr.so.2

    libXrandr.so.1: XFree86-4.2.0-72
    libXrandr.so.2: Nothing  (until I get the latest gtk2/gtk2-devel)

> So, if you have not used --force or --nodeps then either the apt
> database and/or the rpm database are corrupted. Apt gets all the
> information from rpm. You could try to rebuild the rpm databases:
>   rpm --rebuilddb
> (it will take a while)

    Yeah, I've had to do THAT a couple of times; the ol' __* files thing.

    I'll do it again; you might know something I don't.  People on mailing lists can be either really shallow (technically) or very, very deep.  I tend to defer to wisdom; seems like the right thing to do, ya know?

    While I'm waiting, for the rebuild though, I also had a problem with the last synaptic; it needed something that I didn't appear to have. If I wasn't busy otherwise, I'd try to re-create the situation...but I never heard anyone else with a complaint.

    ...the new Synaptic seems to work just fine.

    OK, rebuild complete; it ran normally. (Don't just hate waiting this long?)

> The try a "apt-get update" and then "apt-get check" to resync apt. If
> the problem still persists then the culprit would be apt  (but that is
> just a guess). I don't know how to force it to rebuild (other than
> "update"). Probably a drastic uninstall / install and redo the
> configuration would do it. 

    OK, doing the update...I really need to post my sources.list....

    The 'update' and 'check' steps show nothing; I'll try the upgrade again.

    WELL: here's something new: Licq, which I just manually added, was upgraded. A further upgrade STILL tells me gtk is kept back, so I'll ask for it manually.

    gtk2: Depends: libXrandr.so.2 but it is not installable

    Maybe I'll have to yank it...or install it --nodeps?

Brian Fahrländer          GNU/Linux Zealot, Conservative, and Technomad
Evansville, IN                    My Voyage: http://www.CounterMoon.com
ICQ  5119262

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