[PlanetCCRMA] RH 8.0 Upgrade (fwd)

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Jan 5 19:04:06 PST 2003

> I forgot one thing (probably pretty important), when I tried to install 
> the apt rpms I got:
> [root at tauzin temp]# rpm -Uvh apt-0.5.4cnc9-fr1.i386.rpm
> error: Failed dependencies:
>         libapt-pkg.so.3.1 is needed by (installed) synaptic-0.16-5
>         apt = 0.3.19cnc55-4.2sp is needed by (installed) 
> apt-devel-0.3.19cnc55-4.2sp

I see, you have the old apt and synaptic versions. You have to update
all three rpms at the same time or let apt handle it. You could say
(after downloading things manually - replace the *'s with the complete
version numbers):

  rpm -Uvh apt-0.5.4* apt-devel-0.5.4* synaptic*

  apt-get update
  apt-get install apt apt-devel synaptic

> [root at tauzin temp]# rpm -Uvh apt-devel-0.5.4cnc9-fr1.i386.rpm
> error: Failed dependencies:
>         apt = 0.5.4cnc9-fr1 is needed by apt-devel-0.5.4cnc9-fr1
> One problem may be that I have updated my sources.conf and apt.conf files 
> before having been sucessful with upgrading to the RH 8.0 apt.

The sources.list file is common to both versions. The apt.conf file for
apt 0.5.4 is slightly different from the one for the older 0.3.19, but I
think the differences will just trigger some warning messages, no big

-- Fernando

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