[PlanetCCRMA] Anyone else getting this?

Brian Fahrlander kilroy at kamakiriad.com
Sat Jan 18 16:43:01 PST 2003

On 18 Jan 2003 15:49:12 -0800, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano 
> > > Though remiel has been apted from 7.1 or so to 8.0 and some packages
> > > come from who knows where.
> > 
> >     Uh...OK.  That's the version of XFree86-libs that I have now!
> > 
> >     What gives?
> What is your current version of gtk2? 

[brian at aquila brian]$ rpm -vq gtk2 gtk2-devel

> I currently have (on RedHat 8.0) gtk2-2.0.6-8. You probably have a
> different version than the stock redhat package, because the version I
> have does not require libXrandr.so.2 at all:

    Well, I'm not supposed to; this started as a re-install of 8.0, and then upgraded only from apt.  I don't want to get too close to the bleeding edge again.

    $ rpm -q --requires gtk2|grep libXrandr

    Sam ding.  I dunno.

> [The meaning of the error message you were getting from apt is: the
> dependencies in your current rpm dabatase are wrong, gtk2 needs to have
> libXrandr.so.2 but that library is not available (either on your system
> or on the Planet CCRMA repository).]
> The most common reason for having unmet dependencies is using "--force"
> or "--nodeps" when installing rpms. My guess is that you have installed
> at some point a newer version of the gtk2/glib2 rpms and you used one of
> the two aforementioned switches to bypass a warning about unmet
> dependencies. 
> Apt needs clean dependencies to be able to work. 
> -- Fernando

   No, I'm pretty careful about those; I've had that problem before. Any other ideas?
Brian Fahrländer          GNU/Linux Zealot, Conservative, and Technomad
Evansville, IN                    My Voyage: http://www.CounterMoon.com
ICQ  5119262

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