[PlanetCCRMA] updated: new ALSA drivers

Joseph Zitt jzitt at metatronpress.com
Wed Jan 22 01:56:02 PST 2003

On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 10:28:12 +0100
Emiliano Grilli <emillo at libero.it> wrote:

>   Only one question, since I'm not connected at home... I've
>   downloaded the rpms, but how do I determine if I have to use the
>   i386 or the i686 rpm?

A web page that I'm looking at now for another problem suggests that you
do a 

grep "#define __MODULE_KERNEL_i" /boot/kernel.h 

For me, that gives the result 

#define __MODULE_KERNEL_i686

showing that I'm using a 686 kernel.

What I suggest could be utterly wrong or misleading, though it might be

| jzitt at josephzitt.com                      http://www.josephzitt.com/ |
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