[PlanetCCRMA] Re: PlanetCCRMA digest, Vol 1 #145 - 18 msgs
Ryan Gallagher
ryanpg at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 10 12:21:01 PST 2003
I got segfautls compiling ardour when I had my cpu
overclocked even a few mhz.
> Message: 9
> Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 10:34:48 +0100
> From: Emiliano Grilli <emillo at libero.it>
> To: CCRMA redplanet list
> <planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
> Reply-To: Emiliano Grilli <emillo at libero.it>
> Subject: [PlanetCCRMA] Compiling ardour
> I'm new to this list and also to redplanet. I've
> installed on RH 8.0
> just two days ago and I have to say that I'm very
> impressed about
> redplanet. Good work, guys!
> Now, the question:
> I cannot compile ardour: I have tried various CVS
> snapshots from
> middle November until now (they all worked in
> SuSE), but I always have
> segfaults when compiling.
> ./autogen.sh and ./configure seems to went fine, I
> suspect that's a
> gcc problem... (version 3.2 on RH 8.0)
> Anyone has any advice on this?
> Maybe I should try another gcc version?
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