[PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers

Emiliano Grilli emillo at libero.it
Fri Jan 17 08:29:01 PST 2003

> The binary interface has changed, the modules have moved to a different
> directoy and some of the module parameters are different.
> I probably could have made it work eventually, but I need my studio PC to
> be stable.
> - Steve 

  Thank you, I just managed to get it compiled on my debian woody ibook
  laptop (kernel 2.4.20) but I'm not at home so I can't tell if the
  patch works or not...
  The internal soundcard for now seems to work OK.


  | Emiliano Grilli     |
  | emillo at libero.it    |
  | Linux user #209089  |

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