[PlanetCCRMA] Re: PlanetCCRMA digest, Vol 1 #156 - 3 msgs

carlosfigueiredo at ritualnet.pt carlosfigueiredo at ritualnet.pt
Thu Jan 23 04:13:02 PST 2003

Hi Fernando,

I have a litle awkward request that I briefly explain:
Last year I went to a Linux Conference here in Portugal, and though it was OK, 
it seemed a bit too focused either on technical aspects or in commercial 
aspects of the business, wich is great, but what about people like me that are 
not really programmers, or developers or providers, but simple users?
So I got this idea to propose the organization for the next year (2003) to make 
a small presentation just to talk about my experience in the past year or so, 
in installing, configuring, and keeping a good home sound system based on a 
linux distro.
So my idea is to present some notions on the achievements, status-quo, and 
possibilities for anyone considering to change their litle home studio from 
whatever (windows) to linux. I think this could be interesting, and bottom line 
do you mind if I "advertise" Planet CCRMA at Home in this presentaion of mine?

Finally, I'm slowly getting into "dirty" work. A week ago I had RT-Synth 
through alsamodularsynth into ardour, and jack-rack into ardour, and muse 
(iiwusynth) into ardour. Tears came into my eyes!... This is really beautiful!


Carlos Figueiredo

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