[PlanetCCRMA] rebuilding alsa drivers

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Jan 17 10:27:01 PST 2003

> > Yes, I unpacked the tar.bz2 file that the src RPM installed, patched it,
> > rebuilt the tarball and then did the rpmbuild -bb command. It seemed to
> > work, but the patch made my machine oops.
> >
> > - Steve
> So the process isn't ready for use outside of Fernando's golden touch quite
> yet I suppose. Too bad.

There's no magic golden touch, I'm afraid (wish I had something like
that). What Steve did was correct as far as I can tell. If the kernel
oops then there's something wrong with the patch, or there is something
else that has to be patched, or the patch "patches fine" but is
incompatible with that particular cvs version (more likely). 

SF is back up and I'm working on a newer rpm. I'm changing some things
in the spec file to make it easier to generate the right architecture
for the modules and to be able to compile for a different kernel than
the one that is running. In the process I finally looked at the
freshrpms source rpm for the alsa driver and now understand why people
that have installed that have problems migrating to Planet CCRMA, they
do the install of the device files in a completely different way. I
don't know, maybe I should try to be compatible. 

-- Fernando

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