[PlanetCCRMA] Pre-emtive kernel

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Jan 24 16:16:02 PST 2003

>     Maybe I was on another list or something, but last night I felt really
> weird looking through the Planet docs and seeing references to the pre-emptive
> kernel. I downloaded the CDROM images, but I'm curious to know...is
> there a way I can just get the kernel, not the whole thing?

All the rpms are individually available in the corresponding section of
the planet ccrma pages. For the kernel look at:
(but it is better to use all the packages and follow the instructions)

>     And is anyone else using this kernel?  

Hopefully all Planet CCRMA users are able to boot into it... :-)

> What version is it?

Hmmm, look at the web pages... it is all there, I think. 
-- Fernando

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