[PlanetCCRMA] no network in new kernel
Anders Vinjar
anders.vinjar at notam02.no
Wed Jan 29 11:48:00 PST 2003
>>> "FPL" == Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> writes:
FPL> What kind of error, if any, do you get when you modprobe
FPL> the module?
I'll check modprobe'ing it later and report here.
FPL> Or you get errors while compiling?
No errors while compiling.
FPL> What distribution are you using?
Redhat 8.0.
FPL> Have you installed the kernel source rpm (apt-get
FPL> install kernel-source#2.4.19-1.ll)?
FPL> It could be a compiler compatibility problem as the
FPL> kernels I'm using are compiled with gcc2.96 (under 7.2)
FPL> and modules should be compiled using the same
FPL> compiler...
I suspect ive overlooked or misunderstood some very basic concept
here. How would you proceed, step by step, to get a compatible
driver to the new kernel?
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