[PlanetCCRMA] Building Alsa RPMs...

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Jan 24 15:11:01 PST 2003

> http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/recompilealsa.html
> is the order of building the 4 pieces critical?


> Or should I be able to build all the RPMs first, and then later install them
> on a different machine using a single command:
> RPM -Uvh alsa-driver*0.9.0-44.i386.rpm alsa-lib-0.9.0-44.i386.rpm
> alsa-utils-0.9.0-44.i386.rpm alsa-tools-0.9.0-44.i386.rpm

_After_ you have built all of them, yes, you can install them with one
command. But for building each of the pieces you have to have the
previous one installed. 

> Also, can this process be done on a machine that already has 0.9.0-44
> installed on it? 


> I'm seeing some errors at the rpm -bb
> ../RPMS/i386/alsa-tools-0.9.0-44.i386.rpm step and am wondering why.
> (Unresolved symbols again, like the rpm -q problem we had yesterday.)

When compiling the alsa-tools??

> I think that maybe I need to do some sort of rpm -e --nodeps step here in
> preparation for doing this stuff? Not sure, but even this step
> rpm -Uvh ../RPMS/i386/alsa-lib-0.9.0-44.i386.rpm
> shows package conflicts.

Send me the errors. 
-- Fernando

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