[PlanetCCRMA] CLM on MacOSX question

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Jan 17 10:44:01 PST 2003

> Dear Nicky and dear Planet CCRMA folks,
> I am trying to install CLM on a Mac OSX platform. 

Hmmm, the Planet CCRMA package collection (for now :-) works only on
Linux... you might have better luck posting to
cmdist at ccrma.stanford.edu, that's the list for cm/clm/cmn/snd users.

> I instolled OpenMCL and
> the sources for CLM. I put the clisp interpreter files in the CLM folder,
> launched it and then I tryed to compile and load the fm-violin instrument,
> but I did not have success...

Did you build clm before trying to compile the instrunent? Looks like
you did not. There is a README file somewhere in the package that gives
you details on how to build for different platforms. 

-- Fernando

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