[PlanetCCRMA] Kernel Panic 2

youyou julien.cochennec at wanadoo.fr
Mon Jan 27 13:46:02 PST 2003

great, you were right about nforce2 alsa support, i've made a research about
that and find :
it seems to be an update for the module to recognize my chip.
you're really helpfull, thanks a lot!

----- Original Message -----
From: Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
To: youyou <julien.cochennec at wanadoo.fr>
Cc: <planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Kernel Panic 2

> > i didn't know it could be a driver issue, i've had a problem with alsa
> > driver installation, system says module snd-intel8x0 couldn't be
> > loaded because of irq or ioports problem.
> > i don't know how to solve it, i have a creamware soundcard that have no
> > linux driver, i want linux to ignore it, i want to use my onboard sound
> > ( chipset nforce2 APU ), it has a free OSS driver that may sound bad
> > ( i've read it on internet ) anyway i didn't manage to install it.
> > that's the only problem i've had with red planet cds, it is caused by
> > peripheral, but i don't know wich one.
> I'm not clear about what is actually happening. First: can you boot into
> the Planet CCRMA kernel? If not (as I think is the case from your
> previous emails) then installing the ALSA binary rpms from Planet CCRMA
> will not help because the kernel modules are compiled for that
> particular kernel.
> If you boot into the Planet CCRMA kernel then the second issue is
> whether the current ALSA drivers support your particular soundcard.
> > i looked in proc/ioports and saw many unknown devices from nvidia, i
> > looked in hardware monitor, usb seems to work, so i don't know what to
> > alsaconf didn't recognize my onboard sound although i didn't install oss
> > driver at the second install
> Then probably your onboard card is not currently supported by ALSA.
> Alsaconf looks at the pci id's of all devices and tries to match them
> with the ones it knows about. The fix might be as simple as adding the
> proper id to an existing driver, I would ask for more information about
> your particular soundcard in the alsa-user or alsa-devel mailing lists
> (did you look at the soundcard matrix in http://www.alsa-project.org/?).
> -- Fernando

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