[PlanetCCRMA] Usb midi problem

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Jan 5 18:52:01 PST 2003

On Sun, 2003-01-05 at 18:28, Roger Dannenberg wrote:
> Mark,
> 	Your log is different from mine: yours says: 
> 	...Module setup ezusbmidi for USB product 763/1001/1 ...
> Where mine says:
> 	.../etc/hotplug/usb.agent: ... no modules for USB product
> 763/1001/1...

Yes, from your logs it appears that hotplug is not doing anything
(loading the firmware and so on). 

> I discovered that apparently
> 	/lib/modules/2.4.19-1.11/modules.usbmap
>  lists all the usb devices by number. Sure enough, my list doesn't have
> an entry for 0x0763 0x1001 (the Midisport 2x2).
> This file is generated automatically when you boot, but I don't know
> where the information comes from. It might be helpful if you could look
> in your modules.usbmap file and see if there's a line for the midisport
> there, e.g. do
> 	grep 763 /lib/modules.usbmap
> (which should print 10 or so long lines) and see if any of the output
> lines has 0x1001. This would at least confirm my hunch that my
> modules.usbmap file is defective.

I think the file that matters for hotplugging is:

That one has the id numbers for the supported interfaces. Check that it
is there (it is part of the ezusbmidi rpm). For that file to have effect
you have to install the latest hotplug rpm available in the site
(version 2002_08_26-1). Older versions have to have those ids in the
global hotplug configuration file. I'd first check that you have that
file and the latest hotplug. 

-- Fernando

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