[PlanetCCRMA] Other repositories?

mrgrimm at radioactivecatfish.com mrgrimm at radioactivecatfish.com
Sat Feb 26 17:17:01 PST 2005

just to follow up on this repository discussion, is it safe to mix the 
following repo's as listed on
http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/apt/FAQ.php#D ?  it states they are all 
made to be compatible:

FreshRPMS, Dries, NewRPMS, DAG and PlanetCCRMA?

seems like people have been having problems with using the planet with 
fedora.us and livna.org...  any mileage or problems with using the 
planet with those (FreshRPMS, Dries, NewRPMS, DAG)?*

*thanks, wayne*

David Hill wrote:

>Don't know if I should say much on the subject, but I followed this
>instruction page to the letter and had no issues (at least that were not
>self induced ;) ) on 4 CCRMA machines. This is the warning associated
>with mixing repositories.
>On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 13:44 +0000, Steve Harris wrote:
>>>Yeah, this is one of my biggest problems with Fedora. There isn't
>>>enough stuff on the main distro to really live with the machine day
>>>and day out, and there's no guarantee that any of these 'extras'
>>>are completely compatible with the work Fernando does. It's no one's
>>>fault. It's just the downside of this distro.
>>>That said I've used Fedora Extras and Livna a bit but I cannot
>>>recommend them as I've had problems. It's one of those 'if it works
>>>works' things.
>>Right, I use livna and atrpms and probsbly others, and I havent had
>>problems, but I'm quite selecive about what I include from the non-
>>- Steve 
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