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just to follow up on this repository discussion, is it safe to mix the
following repo's as listed on<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/apt/FAQ.php#D">http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/apt/FAQ.php#D</a> ? it states they are all
made to be compatible:<br>
FreshRPMS, Dries, NewRPMS, DAG and PlanetCCRMA?<br>
seems like people have been having problems with using the planet with
fedora.us and livna.org... any mileage or problems with using the
planet with those (FreshRPMS, Dries, NewRPMS, DAG)?<b><br>
</b>thanks, wayne<b><br>
David Hill wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid1109084030.6343.3.camel@shock.bofus.com"
<pre wrap="">Don't know if I should say much on the subject, but I followed this
instruction page to the letter and had no issues (at least that were not
self induced ;) ) on 4 CCRMA machines. This is the warning associated
with mixing repositories.
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://stanton-finley.net/fedora_core_3_installation_notes.html#Warning">http://stanton-finley.net/fedora_core_3_installation_notes.html#Warning</a>
On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 13:44 +0000, Steve Harris wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Yeah, this is one of my biggest problems with Fedora. There isn't
enough stuff on the main distro to really live with the machine day
<pre wrap=""><!---->in
<blockquote type="cite">
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">and day out, and there's no guarantee that any of these 'extras'
<pre wrap=""><!---->site
<blockquote type="cite">
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">are completely compatible with the work Fernando does. It's no one's
fault. It's just the downside of this distro.
That said I've used Fedora Extras and Livna a bit but I cannot
recommend them as I've had problems. It's one of those 'if it works
<pre wrap=""><!---->it
<blockquote type="cite">
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">works' things.
<pre wrap="">Right, I use livna and atrpms and probsbly others, and I havent had
<pre wrap=""><!---->any
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">problems, but I'm quite selecive about what I include from the non-
<pre wrap=""><!---->planet
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">repositories.
- Steve
<pre wrap=""><!---->
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