[CM] rts debut

todd ingalls testcase at asu.edu
Fri Sep 23 09:06:48 PDT 2005


This is in part a great deal of my interest as well.

The first badly hacked version of rt stuff came from me using cm to 
communicate to supercollider in response to some motion analysis we are 
doing based on real-time motion capture in performance. at that time 
things worked well responding to this data.

anyway, something i would be interested in looking at for the future 
would be using the quicktime framegrabber to do some basic video 
analysis in openmcl. also maybe a lisp interface to teleo modules or 
other type of sensors.

i would really be interested to hear more from hanspeter as well on 
what they are doing - it sounds like they've made quite an impression!

On Sep 23, 2005, at 6:48 AM, Ian Smith-Heisters wrote:

> This is very interesting. Would it be possible to get more information 
> about the dance side of things? My primary interest in c(l)m w/ rts is 
> for use with my dance.
> -Ian
> Rick Taube wrote:
>> Composers might be interested in Hanspeters experience witht the new 
>> rts scheduler todd and i have been working on. Im forwarding most of 
>> his note with his permission.
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Hanspeter Kyburz <hkyburz at gmx.de>
>>> Date: September 23, 2005 5:20:50 AM CDT
>>> To: Rick Taube <taube at uiuc.edu>
>>> Subject: Re: midishare?
>>> Hi Rick,
>>> it was really impressing! We had our last ten day block of 
>>> experiments in
>>> the hall of Centre Pompidou in Paris with the dancer (Emio Greco), 
>>> video
>>> (Joost Rekveld), light (Pieter Scholten), Max (Wolfgang Heiniger) 
>>> and CM
>>> (me).
>>> One rt-process simulted a virutal ensemble, which will be replaced 
>>> in the
>>> concerts by the Ensemble Intercontemporain. The other rt-processes 
>>> were
>>> sprouted and continously modulated by more or less imprevisible 
>>> gestures of
>>> the dancer, but nevertheless were strictly referring harmonically and
>>> rhythmically to the dynamic context of the ensemble's deveopment. I 
>>> was most
>>> exciting to watch complex patterns based on descrete elements 
>>> depending on
>>> continous realtime control.
>>> Some people who came by sat there for hours just to follow the 
>>> rehearsals.
>>> Boulez also came and stayed there until the late evening, all the 
>>> time
>>> asking questions about CMs patterns. What a curious guy with his 80 
>>> years!
>>> But above all it was quite a shock for some of the Ircam programmers 
>>> [...]
>>> , who were most interested in OpenMCLs
>>> native parallel threads and CMs rt-scheduler.
>>> With the Vienna Sample Library's sounds we even had a quite realistic
>>> simulation of the ensemble. One machine was just used for data 
>>> conditioning,
>>> filtering the incoming sensor data. From my machine CMs Mididata 
>>> were sent
>>> via Midishare (4 IAC Ports) to Kontakt (Software Sampler) and 
>>> directly to
>>> the another computer's video processing (Jitter). Kontakt's Audio 
>>> was sent
>>> from my machine to MAX on Wolfgang's computer. Communication 
>>> remained stable
>>> during the whole period of 9 days.
>>> My whole code has got blown up and is not very transparent at the 
>>> moment. As
>>> soon as I have time to comment it, I will send it to you. First I 
>>> have to
>>> clean it up and finish the score for the ensemble. Concerts will 
>>> start in
>>> Nov 8, 9, 10 and there will be two tours each of a month with several
>>> concerts in 2006. I hope we will have a reasonable video recording 
>>> of the
>>> premiere which I can send to you.
>>> [...]
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